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Meade Extreme 20mm, this must be a joke.

alan potts

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If you want a laugh, Teleskop Services have the Meade Extreme (ly awfaul looking) 20mm priced a 799 euros, 9 euros more than the Televue 21mm Ethos. I wonder how many they think they are going to sell.

Sorry I don't know how to make a link for you all.


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I think there is a fair chance that they are the same eyepiece under the skin. I know they all "look the same in the dark" but Meade have to take the biscuit for putting such ugly, to my eyes, clothes on what I believe is a fine set of optics.

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and we just spent 10+ pages complaining ES eyepieces being overpriced in Europe. This Meade certainly takes overprice to a different level. An Extremely ugly copy that cost much more than bothoriginals. (I don't just mean the Ethos, the Meade is probably a copy of the ES which was itself a copy of the Ethos)

Well spotted Alan.

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It's Only $499.00 in the USA so why are you all looking at the prices in Germany there is also one going on Ebay buy price $404.00 :-)

even though I agree with most of you that the design is not so hot but I will say that they make a pretty good eyepiece I have a Meade 5000 18mm u/w and a 30mm u/w and find them great eyepieces

I use the 30mm on my friend 12"Dob it's so clear and shape and give agood dark back ground ,if you have never tried one try to borrow one or check out the next star party

clear skies

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I bought from the uSA once from here, never again. I also like to try to support local business and when they can't offer me what I want I now use the UK. I have a 30mm UWA and agree it is a fine eyepiece.

I seem to remember Telehouse house had this one at 499 so that is a very good price when put along side this. If I recall the prices were 299,399,and 499 for the three offerings. How TS arrive at these prices lord knows. I mean who is going to buy the Meade when the Televue is cheaper and I am sure a little better.


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Thanks for putting the link up, as if anyone is rushing to buy one. I like the way this site shows almost everything as on stock. I asked about a year back for a Losmandy G11, which was on stock according to the coloured bar graphs.

They wanted me to wait 6-9 months, on stock, where ! I am sure this place only has a fraction of what they claim is on stock.


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Above Newbie,

A very good question indeed, maybe the owner needs to top up his holiday fund. Telescope house is asking 499 for the same, that's less but you can buy an ExSc for a lot less, which will do the same if not better job.

Damo, nice one I don't like this site, they have rubbed me up the wrong was once too often, telling me a refractor was meant to be bent in the middle, they must think I fell off a log. It hasn't done them any good I now will not use them.


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Sometimes retailers bloat their prices so in the near future it can be listed at normal price but with '50% off!!! buy it now!!'

that's what supermarkets / high street retailers do anyway. has to be at a certain price point for a certain amount of time in x amount of stores for the 'XX% discount' deals to be valid. not sure how this applies to the web.

in fairness this is probably just a typo in their database

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As a newbie, why is this so expensive?

The Meade is way over priced. May be Meade European distributor was smoking something potent.

Anyway, welcome to the world of high end eyepieces, where people pays crazy money for marginal improvement. In summary, the Ethos and ES100 are famous for their 100deg field of view, sharp and high contrast image and enormous price tag.

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No, a diagonal is just a device that allows you to admire the look of your shoes whilst observing with both eyes open.


You must have very bright/luminous shoes, to be admiring them at night!

This thread is getting more ridiculous as we go on!

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