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The Sun - 17th Feb 2012

David Smith

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Well the cloud finally cleared around lunch time today and then stayed clear until it got dark :rolleyes:

I took 120 frames @ 1/1250th on ISO100 and R5.1 stacked 93 @ 95%.


20130216 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

Did manage to spend some time with the PST as well, capturing several avi's. Unfortunately I was not able to attempt to process them until later this evening due to other commitments. Have spent most of the evening trying to stack the results with no success :mad: ASII seems to be struggling as the scope was being intermittently buffeted by the breeze, consequently I do not think I will get anything from them! PC has been playing up this evening as well; think the new memory I installed was faulty, so that has hampered my efforts as well. A little gutted as I was pleased with the avi's themselves.

Good to see most people got out to play today though.

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Finally made some progress with the H alpha avi's. Thanks Roger for the tip about putting it through PIPP first. AS!2 still couldn't do anything with it but R5.1 came up trumps.


This is 150 frames from almost 500 in the original avi. Used PIPP to sort the best quality 200 (and remove the colour) and then R5.1 selected 150 from these. Very little work done in GIMP, slight tweak in levels and then colourise.

Have a few more to process now and it's a bit slow because I can only run PIPP in a VM which is quite slow on my PC. Next stop, more memory for the PC!

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Hmm. I'd not considered running PIPP in a VM. I might have to give that a go. Do you know if it works happily under Wine, Chris?


I tried but could not get it to work under Wine because it uses the .NET 4.0 framework.

It is only the GUI code that is written in C# and requires the .NET framework, the core code is written in nice platform independent C++. My plan is to replace all of the C# code with C++ code using the QT framework . This has a few advantages 'under the hood' but would mainly allow PIPP to be build natively for Windows, Linux and OS X from the same code. Well probably not OS X as I don't have a MAC...


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Chris I am running Ubuntu 12.10 with Windows XP SP 3 in Virtual Box. Glad I am not the only one who could not get PIPP to work under Wine! Interesting when you try and install .NET 4 in Wine it tells you that it is already install?

I am not very knowledgable about such things but I though that C# and Mono were interchangeable?

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Chris I am running Ubuntu 12.10 with Windows XP SP 3 in Virtual Box. Glad I am not the only one who could not get PIPP to work under Wine! Interesting when you try and install .NET 4 in Wine it tells you that it is already install?

I am not very knowledgable about such things but I though that C# and Mono were interchangeable?

I am not sure of the exact details, but my understanding was along those lines. I did not investigate the Mono route fully as I read that the Mono API was somewhere between .NET 2.0 and .NET 4.0. It might be worth looking at it again...

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