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LHC shutting down for 2 years...


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An interesting article, hopefully once they turn it back on they'll reach full power...

EDIT: (a link helps) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-21421460

But what made me chuckle is the RUBBISH names astronomers come up for things!

We have things like

The "Large Telescope"

The "Very large telescope"

The "Very Large Array"

The "European Extremely Large Telescope"

The "Overwhelmingly Large Telescope"

And now we have the LHC sutting down for an unprecedented period of upgrade and repair - dubbed "Long Shutdown 1"

Do we not have imaginations anymore :)


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I dunno. In an increasingly complex world I think there's something refreshing about calling something exactly what it is. The alternative is marketing departments and then there'd be months of discussion not only over what it was called, but what colour it should be painted and who should be managing its twitter account.


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Its the only piece of equipment i know that gets less use than a telescope in the uk,

I know its a great piece of technology, very intricate and worthwhile but its never runs for more than a short time,

I guess thats what happens when you involve the French, I wont buy a Citroen again :smiley:

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