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Hello from Belfast


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Hello all

I've always been a keen stargazer, and I have a little bit of knowledge of the sky.

I've just got a skywatcher skyliner 200 and I am very much looking forward to a new dimension to my gazing.

I have to admit to being a bit daunted by the technical aspects of this activity,as I am not at all good at that stuff.

I almost bought a goto scope, but at the last moment I went for the Dobsonian because of what I hope will be ease of use.

I think I will get used to what I have before I start buying any more accessories (apart from a Barlow lens which I picked up second hand), but if you all care to suggest one thing that I should get to begin with that would enhance my viewing, I would appreciate it.

So I look forward to picking your brains as I try to get the hang of this.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Gio and welcome to SGL perhaps a copy of Turn Left at Orion, if you have not already obtained one, is an extremely useful addition to help you find your way and locate objects of interest in he night sky, enjoy your Astronomy :)


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Welcome to SGL

Definitely worth spending a little while just getting used to the kit before spending much on accessories, I think. However a red light torch and planisphere might well come in useful, as might a copy of Turn Left at Orion.


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Hi and welcome to the forum. +1 for "Turn Left at Orion" and for the free planetarium software "Stellarium" which together will get you off to a flying start! Possibly a red light for reading star maps etc in order to preserve your night vision might be useful too and not prohibitively expensive.

Wishing you clear skies for your new scope and look forward to reading about how you're getting along.


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Welcome to SGL, Gio. You have a very nice scope there which I'm sure will give great views. I would like to second some of the other recommendations for 'Turn Left at Orion' and the free download 'Stellarium' programme which will give a simulated 'live' view of the sky. A red torch will also help in maintaining your night vision.


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Hi there.

Thanks for all the replies and kind words of welcome. The suggestions will be taken on board. I think I still have a planisphere somewhere and I have stellarium, so just a red torch, steal that book from my local library and I'm good to go.

The weather has not been good since my scope arrived, but I have managed to get a look at Jupiter and I am very impressed with how clear it was, as I did not really know what to expect.

I am wondering what I can hope to see regarding nebulae, if anything? I am sure there are threads here on that, but generally will I see anything more than a fuzzy area?


Your quotation reminds me of that poem, by R.S. Thomas I think, about Cynddylan on his tractor.

"He is a new man now part of the machine" That is how I feel with my new telescope.

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