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Lyra Optic 4" f11


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I finally managed to get out last night for my first light. Sat24 was suggesting about an hour of clear sky and at the first hint I was out setting up. I ended up with 75 minutes.

Not the greatest of evenings just after the full moon so I decided to set up at home in my very restricted back garden.

The first obvious thing I noticed and liked was during alignment, no diffraction spikes, nice. The stars focused in to nice sharp dots which put a smile on my face so things were looking good. It is fair to say that there was a small amount of CA noticeable but hardly enough to be of any real concern. I also found that it seemed to come and go to my eyes so I would say it is more apparent when I am actually looking for it rather than it jumping out at me. My alignment stars were Capella, Algol and Kochab.

After alignment for whatever reason I decided to make the double cluster my first target, probably because the sky was washed out with the moon and I was curious to see how much would be revealed, even though I was itching to try Jupiter. The entire cluster came into view with my 32mm plossl and I was easily able to pick out the red/orange stars.

I next slewed round for Bodes and in all honesty was expecting a nil result with such a bright moon but they were both there. M81 as a faint fuzzy and M82 though only just noticable the same over a very washed out grey background, again with the 32 plossl.

So next was the telling moment, Jupiter. Still with the 32mm I slew to my target, it's looking good and it's looking sharp and still. Great to notice the moons as perfect dots of light and the whole view was a delight with no apparent CA whatsoever which kind of surprised me. I could pick out colour on the planet at this mag 33x and with a field of view of 1.38 it really was a fine sight of other worlds. So next up I put the 15mm in and I am very much enjoying the focuser, it works a treat. It clicks along to the millimeter and then the fine focus adjustment works within this and achieving focus is easy. The rotation of the focuser works well to, not to tight and not to slack and the object remains central to field..... The 15mm at 75x reveals obvious banding to the planet and the reddish brown of the belts is strong. Here I have a hint of CA but again, it is of no real problem and I am starting to wonder why I had made it such an issue with myself. Knowing that I am running short on cloud clearance I put the 8mm (140x) in, its good, I'm happy. I can see obvious grey colouration to the northern pole and hints of shades of white. The main belts are very obvious and I am starting to get hints of more detail around and in between the two main belts and hints of yellow tinge to the southern pole. At this mag CA is there around the planet and faint but again I would say it comes and goes along with what my brain is giving its attention to.. :) I want to hang around on Jupiter some more but I am wanting to try a couple of doubles and the moon.

Eta Cas is split with the 25mm and with the 11mm looks like a very nice double. The next double is y cas and at 2.1'' of seperation and mags of 1.6 and 11.2 I am unable to split this pair. I am new to doubles, I believe this scope should split down to around 1.4'' so I should think I was pushing my luck trying for a 11.2 mag star with a big moon.. :)

There are now wisps of cloud starting to drift over so I make for my final target and my views of the moon are stunningly sharp. There is no boiling which is what I am used to with the newt, maybe it was seeing, I don't know. Very still and great views whizzing up the mags with one eye on the coming clouds.

All in all on my first somewhat rushed first light I am thrilled with what I have, at what is a very reasonable cost for a very well made telescope. I am looking forwards to spending some more time out with it. I have always wanted a 4"ish refractor because I have always thought there is something very original about observing within its constraints. Yeah I could get a 16" dob and one day probably will.. :)... but for me at least there is definitely something special about looking through a frac...we had a great time together... :grin:

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Excellent first light of what is becoming a classic 4" long focal length refractor, i was a tiny bit worried that you might find the ca a little objectionable, but all is okay on that front, to get virtually no ca with an achro, it helps if its a long scope, like my Antares 4" f15, though you then run into mounting problems at this length.

I wonder what scope will end up getting the most use, newt or frac

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That's a lovely looking telescope. I enjoyed reading your first light report and am looking forward to viewing the same targets with my new (to me) TAL100R. Nightfisher has also posed the same question which has been spinning round my head...which telescope will I end up using the most, my frac or my dob?

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I didnt manage to get out last night as we had heavy shows in the evening and I had to get up for work early so no first light for my Lyra.

Interesting to read about the CA, I was reading reviews on the Baader Fringe killer but you sound like you dont need it?

Very, very excited for my first light now! :)

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Excellent first light of what is becoming a classic 4" long focal length refractor, i was a tiny bit worried that you might find the ca a little objectionable, but all is okay on that front, to get virtually no ca with an achro, it helps if its a long scope, like my Antares 4" f15, though you then run into mounting problems at this length.

I wonder what scope will end up getting the most use, newt or frac

Yes I did thoroughly enjoy my short time out with it. As to which one will get the most use? I would expect that that will equalise itself in time as I do very much enjoy hunting out galaxies. The recent addition of my dob mount for the newt is also a pleasure. I feel now that my astro adventure can properly start after a year and a half of getting to grips with it.:) All I need now like the rest of us is some clear skies..

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Great read, Foundaplanet and I look forward to those of Tony, Mike and Twotter. It's quite a fun little club we're making up here, the 4" Achro Gang; first light reports, sketches, photos, cladestine flight opperations. Such threads have really made my weekend :grin:

I do notice a little CA - from time to time - with the Tal but I can't say I've ever been bothered by it. I'm not sure whether a fringe-killer filter or just a cheaper light yellow filter would do the business, but personally I wouldn't buy anything until a good run through with the given OTA. Working out its joys and limitations. I use a TS #80 filter which cost about €10 for Jupiter from time to time and although this kind of filter should augment CA (I imagine), when sitting back and observing any aberration there is just gets slotted away to the back of my brain and disappears.

One filter I would recommend, however, would be a sun filter. This effectively doubles the use one can make of their fracs. Being in Spain is quite fortunate with the Sun and observing it each morning in white-light is really a joy and is in itself a fascinating object to sketch and study. I think in the future when funds permit, I'd like to get hold of a Herschel Wedge to augment the experience.

Anyway, thank you for a great read, Foundaplanet and I look forward to more installments.

Here's a little sketch I did with Jupiter the other night:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice thread this,

I have probably followed the same path as most, I looked at skywatcher / Celestron, maybe drawn by the larger aperture options, but research always draws me from my original ideas.

Next to the TAL I like the 100Rs but I think If I was to go Russian I would want the larger aperture model, I have even contacted Novosibirsk directly to try and get them to sell me a new 125R I guess we know how that will go but I will let you know. :confused:

So this Lyra looks like a very nice option indeed after reading all the reports on this site and I will probably be getting one pretty soon, Just gotta fit the new bathroom to earn the points required at home :grin:

Did any of you read Neil English's review of this scope? if you had any doubts to it's quality this is a good review. http://neilenglish.net/tag/lyra-optical/

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Thanks for the review and congratulations on what is turning out to be a really good scope. Glad you have had the opportunity to take it out for a run and look forward to reading any follow up observations on its performance.

Continued good viewing!


P.S That's not a box - that its little bed! :grin: :grin:

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Did any of you read Neil English's review of this scope? if you had any doubts to it's quality this is a good review. http://neilenglish.n...g/lyra-optical/

Yes, and a great review it is to. I can't recommend it enough they are a great scope.

Thanks for the review and congratulations on what is turning out to be a really good scope. Glad you have had the opportunity to take it out for a run and look forward to reading any follow up observations on its performance.

Continued good viewing!


P.S That's not a box - that its little bed! :grin: :grin:

:D yes, it is a bed.

The itchy feet are starting again as it is almost 3 weeks since I have seen a star :rolleyes: so much for cold weather and clear skies..

I'm sure we will all have to get a break soon!

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Nice thread this,

I have probably followed the same path as most, I looked at skywatcher / Celestron, maybe drawn by the larger aperture options, but research always draws me from my original ideas.

Next to the TAL I like the 100Rs but I think If I was to go Russian I would want the larger aperture model, I have even contacted Novosibirsk directly to try and get them to sell me a new 125R I guess we know how that will go but I will let you know. :confused:

So this Lyra looks like a very nice option indeed after reading all the reports on this site and I will probably be getting one pretty soon, Just gotta fit the new bathroom to earn the points required at home :grin:

Did any of you read Neil English's review of this scope? if you had any doubts to it's quality this is a good review. http://neilenglish.n...g/lyra-optical/

You could try Tecnosky.it - they are an accredited TAL dealer based in Italy - I bought my 125r from them.

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Yes, and a great review it is to. I can't recommend it enough they are a great scope.

:D yes, it is a bed.

The itchy feet are starting again as it is almost 3 weeks since I have seen a star :rolleyes: so much for cold weather and clear skies..

I'm sure we will all have to get a break soon!

Its going on 4 weeks since I've had a session (other than the odd couple of minutes with bins) - hope you get a decent spell fo clear skies soon to try out that beauty properly!

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Its going on 4 weeks since I've had a session (other than the odd couple of minutes with bins) - hope you get a decent spell fo clear skies soon to try out that beauty properly!

I wish you some clear skies.. I have frac fever I think now..:D I woiuld really like an alt/az head that will fit on the eq6 tripod.

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You could try Tecnosky.it - they are an accredited TAL dealer based in Italy - I bought my 125r from them.

I did thanks, I worked my way through the list of dealers, (prob get a visit from MI6 now due to so many visits to arms and espionage dealers). I have messaged him just the other day looking like around 800 Euro give or take.Once I sort out a VAT code.

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I feel exactly the same, I've just been drooling over the SkyTee!

Same here Mike, the part that concerns though about the skytee2 is that I keep reading about how you need to upgrade the mounting brackets. This then makes it very expensive. I need to follow this up a little more as I don't know if Skywatcher have dealt with it or not.

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