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M31 - 8Hrs of data


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Finally got around to processing my 8 hrs of data that I collected over 2 sets of 2 nights. 2 nights in October and 2 nights in November. Dont get to have a clear schedule that likes to cooperate with the weather that often.

Was taken with my kit in my sig plus my new CLS clip in filter.

The shots in October totaled 4hrs @ iso800 while the shots in November totaled 4hrs @ iso1600. Both were shot at or near the new moon from a pretty decent LP area.

I've tried processing this the best I can. Also tried layer masks like I would for a bright nebula but it didnt work out so well. I've been able to strech it to get a lot of the fainter detail in the outer arms but not without completely blowing out the inner half and really effecting the color balance. So I'm a little stuck and would love some suggestions from some veteran galaxy imagers out there. Galaxies are a lot different than nebulas...more than I thought.


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Nice work,

Can I ask if by 'adding them to the stack' you mean just put them in with the rest or is there some other way to use different exposures together?

Ive heard of layermasking but havent sussed it out yet, though I do often wonder if you could use a variety of exp lengths in the same stack, just not sure how.

But thats a really great chunk of data there, well impressed.



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I used an unmodded Canon. Wont ever be doing that. I'd rather put the time and money towards a CCD than gamble on that. Plus I use it for day time shoots so cant afford a second camera.

I knew I forgot to include some information. Sorry about that. Here's the sub info:

The first night included: 20x30sec, 16x90sec lights - I lost a lot of subs because my battery pack ran out....forgot to recharge it. I had another 1.5hrs of data but there where lots of start trails when the mount stopped tracking lol

The other three nights where all 2min subs. So thats 7.5hrs of 2min subs.

I have shorts subs to help control the core but it only helps so much. It would be worse if I didnt use them. But they can help only so much the rest is done in the processing which is where I'm stuck at. Like I said I tried the layer masking but i'm either doing it wrong or using the wrong technique. So thats where im stuck at.

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