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A returner considering Heritage 130p vs Dob 200p

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Hello everyone,

It has been a while, I was here about a year and a half ago with lots of questions about the Heritage 130p as I needed a scope I could transport easily on flights as I lived in the Czech Republic, I had mods planned for the mount so it could be flat packed. Well now I am back in the UK and I have been hating the fact I don't have a scope, as every night on the way home from work I have been looing up to some beautiful skies.

I am hoping you can help me decide between these scopes (I know its a little odd as they are for different budgets but its more practicality than budget that is limiting.

My Situation :

No Car

I have a garden (90% of my viewing would be here)

I live in a village so not excessive amounts of light pollution but I do live in Essex so there is still some

How do fuzzies compare between the scopes in my local skies?

How would views compare between the 130p at an awesome dark sight and the 200p in my light polluted sky?

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For how long are you back in the UK?


But you have no car....

How were you planning on getting the 130p to your dark site?

If 90% of your viewing is to be in your back garden, then as long as you have the storage, why not go for the 200p?

Mine is in the shed, it takes me 5 mins to set up.

I've no experience of the 130p so I can't compare.


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How would views compare between the 130p at an awesome dark sight and the 200p in my light polluted sky?

That question is hard to answer because people have different definitions of "light polluted." Frankly, I'd rather spend an evening with binoculars at a super dark site than with an 8" in mag 4 skies. But that's just me, YMMV. I've put an 8" Dob on a plane, if that helps. It's quite doable if you're careful.

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My Situation :

No Car

I have a garden (90% of my viewing would be here)

I live in a village so not excessive amounts of light pollution but I do live in Essex so there is still some

Much as i love my Heritage 130P (and i DO love it), the views simply do not compare with the views i get from my 200mm (SCT) scope. I do ALL of my observing from my garden in an area that is not heavily LP'd, but there is still some.

For me, a scopes use is all down to it's portability because of my physical limitations. If you have no such issues and are happy to use a 200mm Dob in your garden then i really think you should go with the 200mm Dob.

If budget allows you to get the 200mm Dob, that's the obvious choice. As good as the Heritage is...................it wont deliver the same views as the 200mm Dob and if you bought the Heritage for use in your garden (as your main scope) now you are settled in the UK (rather then traveling)................you will always wonder "what if?".

Dont get me wrong..............i am a HUGE fan of the Heritage, but your situation has changed and now you are settled in the UK.........you dont need it as a travel scope...........

200mm Dob all the way.................................

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I've put an 8" Dob on a plane, if that helps. It's quite doable if you're careful.

Really? That's amazing. Care to share the technique?, as i'm sure there are many members who would like to know how to do it.

Also if Kreggurre can share his plans to make a Heritage a flat pack scope for travel.................that would be equally as good.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply so far.

As to the coming years, I hope to study either next September or the one after at the latest and that will be in the Southgate Cockefosters area of Greater London for 2/3 years. So excepting the tiny possibility I will study in Dallas, TX I will be in the UK for the next 4/5 years.

Well the plan before was to detach the Vertical part of the Dob mount from the base and reinforce that join so that it will maintain its stability after being reattached every so often. So with the vertical part separate the OTA and the now flat (ish) Dob mount should all fit within official hand luggage requirements. This was the thread where I did some of my research

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If the budget is not a consideration then both, or the 200p and something smaller!?

It's my etx90 that comes on holiday with me all the time, not the 200p.

It'll be the 'scope/'scopes that get used the most that will be of most use to you!


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Ok so to give a clearer idea of what the portability of the 130p means on a day to day basis here is a link to a UK light pollution map : http://www.avex-asso.org/dossiers/wordpress/?page_id=127

There is a key about half way down and my village is yellow for light pollution but I am confident that with the 130p I could walk into the green and cyan areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So for various reasons I have gone with the 130p, just managed to get one for £100 so minimal cost as I have dug my revelation eyepiece set out of the loft.

I apologise for the extra clouds this Saturday ;)

I can't wait for the next clear night as it has been too many years since I looked through my old st102.

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