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Saw the red spot!

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Decided to go out last night in spite of the moon (was getting withdrawal symptoms lol) and glad I did. My reward was seeing the red spot on jupiter for the first time, was really pleased as it had remained elusive until now. I also counted 5 bands which is a first as normally I can only see 3. The 3 bands were quite strong but the other 2 were very faint and kept coming and going but still great to be able to spot them, I also noticed that jupiter had rotated during the course of the evening as the red spot had moved over, this was great to have noticed but i'm surpassed at how fast it had rotated as there was only about 1.5 hours between the first look and the second, I'm presuming this is because the earth is rotating too or is it that jupiter is rotating very fast? Also saw ganymede for the first time sitting just to the edge of jupiter, was the first time i had seen one of the moons as an actual orb and to see it's colour too… mesmerising! Looked at other bright objects too but had to call it a night when my fingers were starting to get frost bite and my secondary mirror was fogging up.

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Nice catch Ben,

Jupiter rotates in just under 10 hours. When the GRS comes round it's easiest to see when it's in the center of the disk. So you can watch it rotate for a few hours if you time it well. I've got a few stacks from last night with it dead center to finish procassing. Gonna post em up later.


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I have to admit that Jupiter was one of my targets last night in my short observing run. I tested out Backyard EOS and APT, not impressed with the latter but the former i think i will be buying, especially as i have had some serious feedback from Guylain (writer) and despite two emails to APT i have had nothing in response...Support is worth as much as the product..

Jupiter was amazing, Here in Swindon we had an intermittent cloud problem and there was plenty of high level muck spoiling the views, however in my LX90-8 both the better half and myself managed to see all four of the Galileans and about 8 bands, was not quite able to make out the GRS, but then in recent years it is not exactly RED in the classic sense of the word...

Hopefully we will get a clear night early on as have to have an early night tonight as have a job in Southampton tomorrow and then off to Brentwood on Saturday...

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I have to admit that Jupiter was one of my targets last night in my short observing run. I tested out Backyard EOS and APT, not impressed with the latter but the former i think i will be buying, especially as i have had some serious feedback from Guylain (writer) and despite two emails to APT i have had nothing in response...Support is worth as much as the product..

Jupiter was amazing, Here in Swindon we had an intermittent cloud problem and there was plenty of high level muck spoiling the views, however in my LX90-8 both the better half and myself managed to see all four of the Galileans and about 8 bands, was not quite able to make out the GRS, but then in recent years it is not exactly RED in the classic sense of the word...

Hopefully we will get a clear night early on as have to have an early night tonight as have a job in Southampton tomorrow and then off to Brentwood on Saturday...

Wow, 8 bands! That is cool. Yeah I thought that about the GRS colour too, its more a browny/salmony colour.

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Congrats on getting the GRS. Saturn may be the planet with the greatest WOW effect, Jupiter is nicest to study, because of its dynamics. Maybe it is going to be clear tonight, so I will have a peek at Jupiter as well.

Saturn truely is stunning because of its rings,but Jupiter is more exciting because it is so dynamic. Ive never seen the GRS before. I suppose because i've never observed it with any scope larger then 130mm and add to that local seeing conditions etc. Not to mention looking at it at the wrong times.

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despite two emails to APT i have had nothing in response...

Hi J_M_Franklin,

I'm the author of APT. Where did you sent your questions? Just re-checked all possible communication channels that are used for APT support and can't find your messages :( I'm proud that APT's support is one of the fastest in the astro-industry :)

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