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NGC6543 The Cat's Eye nebula

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Wow is this a faint little so and so or what? Using the 200mm f/5 Newt. because the EQ6/Tal200K goto couldn't find it, I nearly failed to identify it with the light bucket. Only the impending arrival of a curry made me leave it snapping away long enough to get these. Curry time is 8PM, so the light sky background doesn't help. During eating said curry, the clouds arrived, so four shots of 45 seconds only, and these were intended to be just to confirm the target. No guiding set up so unguided.


(click to enlarge)

This shows the genereal area around it, FOV is 14 arcminutes across, or thereabouts. After aquiring the target it was not at all clear which bit is the target. The real thing is arrowed, whilst the little edge on fuzzy galaxy in the background (circled) is what I thought we might want.

Stacking four of these and stretching the living daylights out of them gives this.


(click to enlarge)

Note the image has been reversed left to right in the processing to better line up with this.


(click to enlarge)

This is a Deep Sky Survey image of the area which clearly shows the target is the bright object in the frame and lots of delicate detail around the edges. The mini galaxy also shows up well.

I hope to have another bash at this soon, as it looks very interesting. An easy target as far as where its kept, its almost straight up in October.

Would love to see a snap of this come out of Rog's new dome with the C11, that could be awesome.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Hi KK,

Well done. I'm surprised at the lack of detail, but the brightness is right. Do you think you'd get more detail with more magnification (is that possible?). There are lots of these small planetary nebulae (saturn, helix, blue snowball, etc), but you don't see them imaged very often. Thanks for rising to the challenge.


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Aye, a good bit of sluething there Kap'n. You must give it another go yourself, preferably without the interference of the local curry house,

unless your chick, (your name, not mine) makes it herself.

As you said, there is big potential in that piece of sky..

Ron. :lol:

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No probs KK i will get big bertha on it should throw up an image about half an inch i think , at least i hope so , i did do it with the gps 8 and got a pretty good result , that was back in the no guiding no EQ days , lost all data now though , thats why i want the C11 to get these small planetary nebs.


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Not my idea - Practical Astronomer did an article on nicked data for cloudy nights.

This is a red and a blue plus a 50/50 mix for the green processed up. Its great if you want a map of the stars, just put in your object, select a size and download a picture. Great for centering fuzzies that you can't see on the monitor.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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So I managed to get another 40 minutes last night basically not getting anything good. According to Starry Night Pro, there are 13th Mag. stars around the thing which I picked up no problem, plus loads of smaller ones which are even dimmer. To me, this means that the halo bit is extremely dim and is going to be a right pain to get. I was using a CLS filter to try to get rid of any light pollution and drop the background brightness as much as possible. 4 minutes binned 2X and still no detail. NGC 6552 in the background on the right, at Mag. 14.6 shows up well also, but the nebulosity bit refuses to show through. There is a hint of it, but it's going to need some long exposures or a good night.


(click to enlarge)

I then tried to use a OIII filter on it, but the clouds arrived before I'd got the focus done right.

Good job its going to be there for a while.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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It's coming along nicely with some nebulosity emerging, particularly on the left hand side. Can't wait to see the longer exposures. Can anything be done to get the detail in the core or is this just too tiny and bright?

Cheers, Martin

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