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Costs and why?

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Does anyone know if Celestron offer the "rebate scheme" here in the uk and if not, why not! I want to purchase the 8SE but the cost to purchase the same piece of equipment in America/Canada is the same price as the 6SE here! I want to stay loyal and buy from my own country but why is there such a big price difference and why don't we qualify for rebates?

Regards Dean.

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This subject crops up from time to time.

To cut along story short If you buy from the States then figure to add around 25-30% for tax and vat as well as a handling charge from the postal service you are using.

You MIGHT get away with it but unless you have a contact over there that can act as a middleman then i think you will find the majority of dealers over there will not supply you directly.

Also you have to consider how you will deal with any warrenty claim if something goes wrong as you will find the Uk dealers unwilling (and rightly so) to deal with it on your behalf. Why should they !!

Now personally i have purchased astro bits from around the world but these tend to be eyepieces etc ,all my scopes /mounts have been supplied via Uk dealers for the reasons above.

If your willing to take the risk then go for it :lol:

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I DO want to buy from here in the uk, I think it's the right thing to do, putting money back into our economy ect.. but evrything has a price (i.e, what the item is worthe and how much it cost to make it), it's just hard to get over the inflated cost here and why we should be so different as to not be allowed a rebate, what's the difference if I am a Celestron customer buying one of thier products that has been made in the same county, China?

Regards Dean

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You think it's bad here but try living somewhere like New Zealand. Prices are much, much worse!

Example: SkyWatcher 200P reflector on an EQ5 mount is £325 from First Light Optics. In New Zealand it's $1230 which works out at £455.87 and that's with $469 off of the RRP!

There's loads of economic factors involved but yes in North America they generally have cheaper products but I'd rather buy from a reputable dealer here and have good customer service, especially if things go wrong.


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I am also frustrated at the way we pay more for our products here in the UK but take some comfort from the fact that many other countries pay even more! Every week we receive enquiries from all over Europe. We even received two requests last week to ship scopes to the US :scratch:

Whilst we don't mind sending smaller items such as filters and adapters, we don't sell telescopes to locations outside Mainland UK because it is impractical to service warranty repairs.

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I totally agree Tony, and that's what I will end up doing but you would think that perhaps Celestron would offer us good old Brits a rebate too. All things being aequal and all! We do all work just as hard for our money too!

I have been given much freindly advice from local companies and want to put my money thier way. I just want fairness that's all.

Regards Dean

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Do you know if Celestron will honour any rebate here in the uk, they are allowing $200 dollars off the 8SE in usa/canada.

BTW, you were going to PM when stock came in, any update?

I doubt it. We did recently see price-cuts on the CPC models which were, I'm told, in lieu of the US rebate scheme. We are still waiting on the next shipment for the Celestron 8 SE. currently, all models are unavailable other than the most popular - the 6 SE.

I'll speak with Adam at DHinds (Celestron's UK importer) for an update Monday.

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Thanks steve,

did the Revelation eyepiece set come into stock?

It would be great news for any prospective Celestron buyer if there were to be a Rebate in the UK, I will look forward to any news you may get from D Hinds.

I won't hold my breath tho! :lol:

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Whilst we don't mind sending smaller items such as filters and adapters, we don't sell telescopes to locations outside Mainland UK because it is impractical to service warranty repairs.

Just out of curiosity Steve, does that include the Islands around the mainland such as the Orkneys, Channel Islands and so on or am I just being pedantic?


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Generally, Celestron and other suppliers have vendor agreements that prevent the vendor from shipping goods outside of their own country. You can get some good deals by buying used goods from North America, or if you know someone who can receive it for you and send it on, you can get around it that way, but you are taking a chance with warranty issues. And before you ask, NO, I won't!

I recently fiund that I can't buy a set of Orion drive motors at $85 US. I have to pay $185 Cdn, if I want to get them in Canada. The vendor won't ship to Canada.

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Just out of curiosity Steve, does that include the Islands around the mainland such as the Orkneys, Channel Islands and so on or am I just being pedantic?

I do have customers on the islands; they pay extra for delivery but the goods have all arrived safely.

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Thanks everyone for the responses. I wish we were all treat the same, so I wasn't in the position were I was contemplating where I could get a better deal and from which country. If something costs so much to make and the producer can make a set profit at a certain price, then why not have a standard price to sell it at!

here I am, wanting to get back into Astronomy, I have chosen what scope I want (after much appreciated advice) but I feel I don't want to pay nearly double for the same thing other people are doing. It kind of tarnishes the whole thing! I wonder how many other potential purchasers have been put off by this?

Regards Dean

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Thanks everyone for the responses. I wish we were all treat the same, so I wasn't in the position were I was contemplating where I could get a better deal and from which country. If something costs so much to make and the producer can make a set profit at a certain price, then why not have a standard price to sell it at!

here I am, wanting to get back into Astronomy, I have chosen what scope I want (after much appreciated advice) but I feel I don't want to pay nearly double for the same thing other people are doing. It kind of tarnishes the whole thing! I wonder how many other potential purchasers have been put off by this?

Regards Dean

Dean i bought a second hand C9.25 from US - even with 20% import charges still worked at at half U.K price.

I agree, i think were being %%% here on pricing.

Look around is my suggestion.

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Thanks every one for your replies,

I do want to purchase my new scope. I just wish things were different. I am ready to buy what I want, The 8SE and more to the point, want to purchase from here in the UK. Thanks for the advice Cygnus, I know we have spoken in other threads/PM's. If at least there was the offer of the rebate I wopuld be happy to make my purchase knowing I would recieve the back up service I know I would recive from the likes of FLO or D Hinds. Its just the matter of cost.

Any advice people?

Regards Dean

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I take the pragmatic view...it ain't fair but thats the way it is!!

I'm a big fan of buying S/H, most astronomers looks after their gear and if you buy at a decent price you should never lose too much money if you decide to sell the scope on at a later date.

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I take the pragmatic view...it ain't fair but thats the way it is!!

I'm a big fan of buying S/H, most astronomers looks after their gear and if you buy at a decent price you should never lose too much money if you decide to sell the scope on at a later date.


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But like many things, such as buying a new car ect.. its nice to have something brand new, especially if you plan on keeping it! (mind you, with the onset of the enevevitable aperature fever, what new astronomer, does keep a scope for that long? :lol:

at the end of the day I am a new starter to all tnis again! Which reminds me, I want to thank all those who have replied to all my posts / threads. you have been most helpful and honest with your advice. It does mean alot to me. hopefully I will soon be posting a first light, which will in turn pass on similar information to future prospective purchasers in a similar position (and so it continues for others!)

Regards Dean.

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I have recently imported 3 used eyepieces, 2 from the USA and 1 from Hong Kong. While the initial purchase price was significantly lower than it would have been over here, by the time I had paid import tax and the Parcel Force handling fee the price I paid was close to what I would have paid for them used here. When I add the wait times and the hassle of visiting the depot to pay the tax and other charges, on balance, I would not bother again unless it was a specific item that was not readily available over here.


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There is definately a good case for buying here, and that's exactly what I do want to do, it's just a shame we don't pay the same price for exactly the same product in another country! It just seems unfair.


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Having spent the first 25 years in India and then in the UK, I've always wondered why things were so expensive in India. For example,

A 200mm skywatcher on a HEQ5 on this site,

http://www.tejraj.com/skwreflector.html one of the very few dealers in India

is priced at Rs.138000 ~1800 GBP

which is nearly twice the cost of what I can buy it for in the UK..!



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Just out of curiosity Steve, does that include the Islands around the mainland such as the Orkneys, Channel Islands and so on or am I just being pedantic?

I do have customers on the islands; they pay extra for delivery but the goods have all arrived safely.

having lived in both the North of Scotland and Orkney, the Post Office / Parcel Force charge more for parcels once you get North of Perth :lol: Couriers also charge extra due to distance and ferry charges.

Buy from within your own country and enjoy the benefits of a full warranty, especially on expensive equipment.

You can get a PST from Hong Kong for about half the price in the UK, but what happens if you have a problem?


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