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hello peeps im matty from west yorkshire and pritty new to all this but looking to buying a scope iv got sum 10x50 binos and can see the stars pritty well but looking to buy a scope to see more detail so any info you could share on what scopes to buy that arnt to dear(£200 most) thanks

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Ive got the 150p on a eq3-2 mount and seen Saturn with rings had the wow moment i have seen four bands on Jupiter and the red spot with four moons and up to now a few messier s that's only because of the weather so if you get the dob you wont be disappointed.

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Hi Matty and welcome to the forum. The best value scope for your bucks is going to be a dobsonian scope and the Skywatcher brand in particular offer good quality scopes for your budget. I see you have been hunting around for the lowest price and I would do the same but with regards to astronomy kit, I would only buy from an astronomy supplier, as they can help you with any problems that may occur (delivered with a dent in the tube etc) and more importantly in the longer term, offer you honest advice with any upgrades or extras you may wish to buy which itself is priceless! There are plenty of camera shops and traders on Ebay who are very good at shifting boxes and getting the sale but not so good on any follow up. People running astronomy shops are typically astronomers themselves and so they really do understand the concerns and aspirations of new people entering this activity - we were all beginners once! :grin:

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum


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dose the dob need aligneing or collimating ?? or just unbox set up and away u go ???

Don't worry about collimation if you buy a Cheshire or laser, i use a Cheshire its not hard. I was getting put off buying a reflector because of collimation but once you have done it once you will wonder what all the fuss was about. I am sure there will be a astronomical club near you if you take your scope there someone will show you how and do it for you if it needs it and after that you can do it yourself.
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