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M33 Traingulum Galaxy LRGB


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Clear and cold here so I decided to get some RGB to add to the luminance data of M33 that I capture last week.

This taken on 5th and 10th November 2012 from South Oxfordshire, UK - sky not improved by firework displays on both nights!

TS90 APO scope @ f/6.9; CG-5 mount; Atik 460ex camera guided with QHY IMG0H and PHD.

Exposures (all binned 1x1); stacked in AstroArt 5.0 and processed in PhotoPlus X4:

L - 4 x 1200 sec & 25 x 600 sec

R - 5 x 600 sec

G - 5 x 600 sec

B - 5 x 900 sec

I'm not sure if I've overdone this so would welcome any comments. Also when posted on here the sky looks a bit too blue to me, but I haven't been able to solve that without impacting on the galaxy itself.

I seem to recall reading something (I think by Olly Penrice) about learning what targets respond to best - I totally get what he means having processed this and I think I will try again from the very beginning with this data at some point.

Thanks for looking!


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