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Orion Nebula... Absolutely Stunning!!!


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Hi All,

I'd just like to post my experience viewing the Orion Nebula for the first time ever!

All as i can say is it is absolutely amazing!!!! I mean i honestly never thought it would be as spectacular as when i actually saw it through the telescope, I don't even think astronomy pictures do it justice in term's of it's beautiful coloring!

It has this beautiful mysterious almost dark green dust. It's so easy to spot through the telescope and honestly... if you have not seen this yet for whatever reason, when you do I think it will become one of your favorite things to view. I genuinely thought nothing would top Saturn but I think this is definitely on par with Saturn now.

Guys and girls that have not viewed this already, please go out with your telescope if it's clear and your not too tired :D You wont regret it.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. If you can recommend anything else that is worth viewing, please let me know!

Magic :)

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Your right its a beauty! tried my big binos on the Orion neb tonight and it was shakey but like you say the green structure is stunning with the jewel like stars inside:) I'm out trying to image its close neighbours the horse and flame nebs at the moment, its a beautiful part of the sky.

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I 've been set up for three hours just waiting for a chance to capture it. Just get lined up on Alnitak, drop down a touch, home in on the Synguider and the clouds appeared and covered it before I could even get 1 decent sub. Waited weeks and weeks for this. :mad:

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I 've been set up for three hours just waiting for a chance to capture it. Just get lined up on Alnitak, drop down a touch, home in on the Synguider and the clouds appeared and covered it before I could even get 1 decent sub. Waited weeks and weeks for this. :mad:

Ouch . . . . :mad:

Touch wood it's still good up here , Synguider's doing its thing well , 10 x 600s in the bag so far , sticking with it all night I hope . . . :grin:


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Its ok, sky cleared after a while and managed a few test subs. Having to go unguided as I couldn't find a star with the synguider. User error I think, but its damned cold and I didn't want to waste time, so I'm just doing 150s subs at iso 800 to get a feel for it. I'll have a better idea of exposure times when I get a look at them. My feet are freezing.

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Yep Orion takes the top prize tonight for me... Awesome sight! M38 was a good second though.

I must admit I was like a kid in a candy store when I first set up. Was only after Orion that I realised I'd missed all my planned targets because of the excitement. Still weather looks good for tonight so back to the list this time.

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