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Just seen Jupiter properly for the first time! I've seen it through binos. Seen the 4 moons, seen it through the viewfinder with the 4 moons, always with a super bright white light.

Tonight, after a unexpected few pint with the 'rents, decided to take the DOB outside. I only had time to let it cool for 5 mins or so before the clouds came in. Straight away focused on Jupiter! WOOOOOOW;

Planet = check

4 moons = check (sadly I'm not so sure in what order)

BANDS!!!!! = (3/4 check! I'm sure I witnessed 4 bands with indirect viewing but I definitely witnessed 3!)

Unbelievable! I hope as the year goes on I can swindle some more detail! Jupiter was beautiful! A white light/light orangey with 3-4 bands! Lovely sight!

Here's to a more detailed surface!

Thanks for all your help!


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Yes, particularly magnificent last night once the fireworks and fires had died down. Lots of belt detail from S to N and an interesting roundish brown blob in the N Equatorial belt like a barge but roundish.. Any ideas, experts? No GRS last night though, however it was superb two nights ago.


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Plenty there, after the smoke and fireworks;index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=76522

Thanks for all your replies! Never seen Jupiter like that before. Was a brilliant sight!

What scope were you using to see that detail in your drawings? Also what time was it?

Thanks again for all your replies!


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It's amazing the first time! Glad you enjoyed her.

Thanks mate! Really was unexpected to see Jupiter like that! Didn't expect it whatsoever. Brilliant sight! Hoping to squeeze more detail out (hopefully) within the up and coming months as Jupiter gets higher!

Thank you for reading and the reply.


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Tom - i can definitely recommend having a go at sketching Jupiter - it forces you to spend a lot of time at the eyepiece and you will almost certainly tease more details out. Plus as you spend longer on it, you are more likely to get more short periods of calm seeing when suddenly even more detail (colour variations in the bands, ripples on the edges of the bands) jumps out at you.

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Tom - i can definitely recommend having a go at sketching Jupiter - it forces you to spend a lot of time at the eyepiece and you will almost certainly tease more details out. Plus as you spend longer on it, you are more likely to get more short periods of calm seeing when suddenly even more detail (colour variations in the bands, ripples on the edges of the bands) jumps out at you.

That's a brilliant idea! Going it try that next time I'm out... Or should that be whenever t he next clear night is...? Haha

I've just done a quick sketch of Jupiter from what I witnessed last night. The moons and bands are in the right place but my drawings absolutely awful! I'm only using a free app atm so only got limited colours! Haha To be honest it was quite bright so majority of it was white with a 3 beautiful orangey bands!


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Nice one. I've not attempted to sketch yet!

After about 40 mins on Jupiter last night I was getting the sor tof detail that Cotterless (Nick) was showing on his 3rd image...it is definitely a target worth persevering with!

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After the unexpected few pints, you're lucky you didn't see 8 bands on the surface, or even someone waving back at you........

"No-one would have believed in the last years of the ninteenth century, that human affairs were being watched......"


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I'm more of an imager than a sketcher; that said i used to sketch the lunar surface a lot. I have a whole sketchbook filled with drawings of the moon and as Jim said it really does allow you to learn the key features of what you are looking at. A great way to familiarize yourself.

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always a shame when the clouds come straight in after setting up though. Had it happen to me a few times.

That's pretty much my luck all the time. If it stays clear all night that means I haven't found what I've been looking for! Haha

Thanks for reading.


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