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what to use for DSO imaging


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You can use a webcam or a digi camera with the appropriate fittings....they will give you good results and get you used to the nuances of post processing which is the thing that can make or break most pictures...there are a lot of good free picture stackers which can be downloaded such as registax...etc

For better results a good DSLR can be attached and these will give you some very good images...and alot of people pick up cheap camera bodies of the web/ebay and get them modified to take out the IR cut filter which is integral to the camera...without this you get more Red light through and thus more hydrogen emission coming out in the images...there are plenty of information on how to mod these camera's and removing the filter is fairly easy if handy with stuff like this...

You don't have to mod a DSLR as plenty don't and still get very good images...

Other than that you are looking at dedicated camera's which are very pricey...but are worth it if in the long run you have the time and patience to dedicate to this...

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thanks guys for the advice...I don't have a setup yet (so maybe im running before i can walk!). i am thinking of getting this in the next few weeks


or maybe


I just wanted to get an idea of what sort of equiptment I needed to think about when i do get into imaging.,....

the other question really is about web cams and would they give me a better view of what i have pointed at on a laptop screen rather than just using the eye peice?

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Get the book "Making Every Photon Count" by Steve Richards (who posts on here) and sold either by himself direct or from FLO. Great value at £20 and just what you need to learn about DSO imaging. I have found it extremely useful and would highly recommend it. http://www.firstlightoptics.com/books/making-every-photon-count-steve-richards.html

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thanks guys for the advice...I don't have a setup yet (so maybe im running before i can walk!). i am thinking of getting this in the next few weeks


or maybe


I just wanted to get an idea of what sort of equiptment I needed to think about when i do get into imaging.,....

the other question really is about web cams and would they give me a better view of what i have pointed at on a laptop screen rather than just using the eye peice?

Both scopes you link are decent imaging rigs, all you need is a T-2 ring and you're good to go for unguided work. Unguided means you're limited to 30 sec up to 1 min exposures depending on how neat your polar alignment is. You can later add a guide camera and a guidescope to add to the mounts precision, either via a stand alone setup like the Synguider or you could use a laptop.

Webcams can during special circumstances give you a better (although lower resolution) view than your eye depending on your webcam can take longer exposures or not (most regular ones cant and thus are limited to very bright objects like Jupiter). However there are modded webcams that can take in DSO's without a problem.

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Yeah no worries about moving the post, i was wondering if i placed it correctly. Also again thanks for the advice guys i will certainly get the book.

I've left a forwarder from the original topic so it's easier to find :)

You'll enjoy Steve's book very much; it has certainly helped many succesful imagers on their way.

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Both scopes you link are decent imaging rigs, all you need is a T-2 ring and you're good to go for unguided work. Unguided means you're limited to 30 sec up to 1 min exposures depending on how neat your polar alignment is. You can later add a guide camera and a guidescope to add to the mounts precision, either via a stand alone setup like the Synguider or you could use a laptop.

Webcams can during special circumstances give you a better (although lower resolution) view than your eye depending on your webcam can take longer exposures or not (most regular ones cant and thus are limited to very bright objects like Jupiter). However there are modded webcams that can take in DSO's without a problem.

Wow awesome advice on this I will certainly get a T2 ring but i guess this is all trail and error which is part of the fun in imaging.


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My only advice would be to spend as much as you can afford on the best mount you can get your hands on. It's all about the mount! I started with an EQ1 - then a CG5 - then a CGEM-DX. If I could afford a Paramount ME I would buy one.

Everything else is incidental. You can have the best OTA in the world - but it will only ever be as good as the mount it is sat on.

60% of your budget on the mount. At least. Then go from there. Because that's the best place to start from. The mount!

In my opinion!



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One thing to consider is that the EQ5 mount isnt the sturdiest. Some people opt to go directly to the EQ6 mount (or the likes) since you run less of a risk of running out of weight capacity. This is what I decided to do, put the money on the mount, and save on the scope.

There is nothing wrong with the EQ5 though, especially if youre on a budget (hey, people on SGL are taking magnificent images with the EQ3), just consider how much weight you plan on putting on your setup and you might save yourself the trouble of having to upgrade after a while, when you start getting the aperture fever ;)

Oh, and about the T-2 Ring, that assumes you're using a DSLR camera like a Nikon or Canon. Not sure what you need to have to attatch other cameras. But since DSLR's are basicly the only standard cameras where you can control exposure times, that's wha't id recommend (there are specialized webcams like we've mentioned, but I am biased against them because of the low resolution). Compact cameras are limited in the way that they really dont have a way to manually control ISO and exposure.There are also specialized CCD cameras used only for astro work, but those are pretty expensive, while a DSLR will give you joy even during the times your scope is put away.

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Yeah i was thinking about the EQ6 but then i thought, will it really make that much difference for the cost. but reading the above posts it seems so!

In the end i guess over the next 2 years i will upgrade at some point so spending now will save in the future.

nice advice on the cams too!

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I followed Steve's advice in his book and saved up for the NEQ6 Pro SynScan and have never regretted it. It was worth waiting a couple of extra months and spending what to me seemed a small fortune. Oh maybe I should add - I'm an old age pensioner so funds are very limited.

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thanks guys for the advice...I don't have a setup yet (so maybe im running before i can walk!). i am thinking of getting this in the next few weeks


or maybe


I just wanted to get an idea of what sort of equiptment I needed to think about when i do get into imaging.,....

the other question really is about web cams and would they give me a better view of what i have pointed at on a laptop screen rather than just using the eye peice?

I would not go for 200p and eq5, thats what i had and ran into loading problems with EQ5, very close to load limit

HEQ5 mount is good but if you can i would go for NEQ6 as the weight/loading is higher.

I made the mistake and had to pay for the upgrade. get the best mount you can, its the most important thing. In the end it will save you money and avoid the fristrations I had


Learning quickly from experiences I wished I had not had LOL

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Yeah thinking more and more about getting the NEQ6 mount now. but that meants i can go 300! think i need to sell more old stuff om ebay to fund my little obersavtory!

here is a thought can i not just forget the mount and hold it on my shoulder like a bazooka!

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