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CG5 GT mount owners - a question of noise !


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Hi. I'm back again. Still umming and arring over a new to me,Goto mount. Posed a couple of questions over the last few months. Asked about reccomendations between the usual suspects, if I can call them that. HEQ5 PRO CG5 GT and EQ5. All seem to have pros and cons and I find myself leaning toward the CG5 GT. Looking to mount a couple of scopes ( one at once BTW ) - a 200p and a ED100 Apo. The CG5 seemed to be well liked but a question of slewing noise seemed to be mentioned a few times. Some posts were saying the CG was noisy when slewing but in contrast, others said the noise was nothing to write home about.

For reference, I did use to own a Meade LXD55 mount till it went to meet its maker early this year. It was able to drown out a Shuttle launch when slewing but once aligned to a target, it was fine.

Trying to get a definative answer now and you can all look forward to a wanted ad on here and ABS in the very near future.

ANY feedback greatly appreciated.

Regards as always John

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I have had the CG5 a number of years now and never noticed the noise, but it is noisy in comparision to the NEQ6. If you have ever used one of the windup rechargable torches well the noise of the CG5 is a little bit higher then winding a torch, to me anyway. The problem is that if you want to be private and not let the chavs know of your presence then you will need to muffle the CG5 :).


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I have a CG5 and yes it does seem noisy when slewing at the fastest rate. On a slower rate it is much quieter. I have a windup torch and that makes more noise! No has complained about the noise of the fast rate slewing so far. Even on a still night with windows open. (that seems a long time ago)

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Dunno about the Cg-5, but the Celestron mount for my 8SE sounds plenty loud enough on full slew, and so does my IOptron minitower - never had any complaint form my neighbours (yet)...I may well reset to slower max speeds though.

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Hi All. Really appreciate the feedback. I guess if you are able to set the max slew rate from 9 (max ?? ) to say slew rate 5 -6 and show some patience, then the noise factor would be dealt with ???

Think credit card is running for the hills shortly. My mind has been made up.


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Setting the slew rate to a lower number will certainly cut down the noise. My wife is a light sleeper and I can use rate 9 about 30 ft outside our open bedroom window and she doesn't notice. Right next to the mount it does seem noisy(like a coffee grinder) but if you move away a little it's really not that bad. Never had any comments or complaints from my neighbors and they're sometimes out late when I'm using the scope and I doubt if they hear it. I wouldn't let noise be a big factor in your mount choice, get the best you can for your budget.

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I have a cgem the nose is not a issue and never give it a second thought to be honest great mount all round the Neq owners may say they noisey ,but then again I think they rubbish love or hate them they both good mounts and you would love th cg5


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Thanks again guys for the replies. From mu previous posts the smart choice seemed to be the HEQ 5 but cant really justify the couple of extra hundred quid it costs given the amount of use just of late, with this cloud season we seem to have had since I dont know when.

As said . Sure i wont even notice the noise. Quite intrigued too with this "new" ? Celestron SkyQ Link WiFi Adapter that FLO now sell which is compatible with the CG5. Could run the mount from my i Phone.

There I go again. More money flows out the door.

Regards John

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  • 8 months later...

I used to own a CG5-GT. i may have mentioned this before, but the mount has been phased out. Its replaced by the VX mount. The CG5 is owned was terrible, gears were so messed up that they made V shaped stars in my images. Even the Celestron technician gave up on it and suggested I dispose off it. I came to know eventually that 9 of 10 CG5's were like mine, being returned for one reason or another. I moved onto a HEQ5 PRO and for the small difference in cost, its a beauty. Low noise, smooth slews, heavier loading capacity.

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