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Report from Estapona, Spain


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The light of a million streetlights and lamps fills the northern sky with a orangey glow that is impossible to see all but the brightest stars through it, and the sea mist + moon is making the south view half orange / half white. A quick naked eye check of Ursa Minor showed Polaris... and that was it! At the Zenith is the worlds smallest and worst clear patch...


Sure, warm sunny days down here, but just look at the layer of muck that is hanging in the air, waiting to block the night sky after the sun goes down



I cant wait to get back to the UK skies... I hate the heat!

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Yeah!!! but then your near Ferrari land, clear as a bell about an hour's drive north of Almeria in the sticks, and no street lights yet where I'm at, but more Brits on the way so don't know for how much longer :D


PS. Forgot to say have one for me and a nice hol :lol:

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I hope your good lady is not listening to you bemoan the poor seeing all the time Steve, she will really be getting brassed off unless she is one in 10 million and of the most understanding nature. I daren't twine about the poor skies at home without getting a earache from YKW.

If she has been the model of tolerance, don't mention this post or it might set her off. :lol:

Ron. :D

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Totally understand your holiday attitude Steve. I have to go to France at the end of the month to see the monster in law, if I don't go the Mrs will divorce me and that will eat into my synscan budget. We all moan and whinge about the state of the nation, but there is no place like home as Dorothy once said.

Out of interest does anyone have any experience with the chunnel? The online web thing wanted £162 each way if we took our Hyundai Santa Fe over from Ashford to Calais and back.....seems a bit steep considering I can have an over night cabin on Brittany Ferries from Portsmouth to St Malo and back for £100 more!!!

Any suggestions?

Sorry to highjack the thread Steve!


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The chunnel is way faster that the ferry, loads less hassle, and you get the travelling done in one day. You don't get to throw up on the chunnel either.

We had the option of either, went for the chunnel and drove from Huddersfield to chunnel for lunchtime, chunnel to Le Mans by bedtime. No problems at all. I'd suggest getting the first class ticket as well. That gets you on the next train whatever time you turn up so you can't miss your train if you're late. :lol:

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Thanks guys

KK...you obviously don't mind driving on the wrong side of the road in a third world country!!!! You are right about the getting it done in a day, but it's a flipping long drive from Calais to La Roche, especially if i've just driven 6 hours from North Wales (I'm getting old you know!) Can you tell that I don't want to go!!!!!

Jeff, the bar is a big bonus, but with two young ones it loses its appeal a little.

Thanks for the advise fellas.


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