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soul in below par conditions


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after waitin 5 hours for the sky to clear it did with below par conditions but i still managed 1.1 hrs on the soul. i was surprised how big this really is but thought it would be brighter! maybe now im going have to try a mosaic :) im hoping it clear up for tonight so i can get right on this nebula and have a good crack at it looks promising from just 1hrs worth of data :) thanks for looking

scope: ED80


camera: MODDED CANON 550D SW LP filter

mount:NEQ6 PRO

250sec subs

all processed in CS6


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Sorry, it was a dumb question - the answer was in your original post.

I like to convert sub lengths to their equivalent time at F5 to get a meaningful figure for the lights gathered. So that would mean your F7.5 subs were the equivalent of 110 second F5 subs.

I am very much a newbie at imaging, but I have noticed that if i can keep the background flatter (by controlling vignetting or shooting flats), I can stretch the data much more successfully.

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so are you saying i should reduce my subs to 110secs and just take more of them? i didnt think vignetting was affect by how long the subs were but by the corners of the sensor getting blocked off by the focus tube?

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Sorry two different thoughts there. I was wondering why 250 seconds result in a faint nebula and I could think of two reasons. Firstly, your scope is F7.5 so you need to take longer subs to collect the same amount of signal - the F5 was only mentioned as a comparison. Secondly, I can see you have vignetting, and this must make it more difficult to stretch the data you do have.

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Nice start :) Another one for my list :D Things keep going on the bottom of the list but nothing comes off the top - I'm still waiting for a clear night after weeks of waiting :( I have the 0.85x FR so this one should fit in nicely :)

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