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Pesky Lights & Clouds


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Roll on the next star party where (hopefully) there will be some dark skies,

The clouds cleared up last night I set up the scope to try out my new camera, which I couldn't get to work.

This is what i have to put up with at home so I'm surprised I manage to see or image anything!!

SGL8 can't come quick enough!!

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that light is just ridiculous. can your neighbour not agree to you putting a shade on the side adjacent to you so it puts light only in his/her garden? that's really a nuisance and affecting your enjoyment of your own garden.

alternatively, make a thicker one of these?

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I think the screen might be the way forward the only bad thing about that is it will spoil my view south as its quite open, there is light to the other side too & then there's one that lights up out the front, that & with all the light pollution from the street lights can make observing/imaging quite tedious at times. As for trying to reason with the neighbour with the security light next door, I might as well be talking to a brick wall. I suppose the only good thing is that they go to bed at around 11:30-ish most of the time.

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best thing to do is talk to your neighbour and show them the vid. I bet they'll want to help if you are on good terms.

Unfortunately we aren't on the best of terms so she don't speak anymore due to the fact of her having to pay for a window she broke. :icon_scratch:

You wouldn't believe that I live in a village & my garden backs onto fields...

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Totally tongue in cheek , tich I would like to point out I would not advise the use of any of my mentioned methods unless you think you would get away with it ..

However on a serious note you could maybe keep a log of how often it's going off , and as suggested show the video to the neighbour along with the log . Maybe also say that the light going off disturbs your sleep or something along those lines . If it still persists maybe contact local councils environmental health bods for some advice because taking the hobby out of the equation it's still a nuisance ..

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shame, could you make a blind that goes across the garden (side to side) thick enough to stop the glare of the light?

I'm guessing I could put up a washing line from the back wall & put up a post at the other & make up some sort of blind just a pity it would ruin my south view. Although you can't see it in the clip I put together there's more lights I have to battle with although after around midnight it seems to improve, providing I dont get clouded out but we can't predict that or rather the met office can't LOL.... All great advice you're giving me although I wouldn't do anything daft as tempting as it is.

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Reckon we are talking a substantial amount of cloth looking at the amount of light that throws out from next door

Maybe use thick black bin liners doubled over. It would be cheaper then buying shroud material i guess. You could also use pond liner (the black plastic sheeting. Not sure of the cost. You wouldnt have to run it the whole length of the fence. Or perhaps use it and make yourself something like a wind breaker that surrounds you and your scope but still allows you to observe.

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Good suggestions Luke, maybe that anti weed mat stuff might work as well ?

I think that should work ok. Not sure though if that has has a fine mesh (weave) in it that may allow SOME light through. Certainly worth investigating. Then just constuct a frame using a few bits of plastic piping and some pipe connector thingies and attach the material to the frame and Bobs your uncle. Shouldnt cost too much in a DIY store to buy the parts.

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Maybe use thick black bin liners doubled over. It would be cheaper then buying shroud material i guess. You could also use pond liner (the black plastic sheeting. Not sure of the cost. You wouldnt have to run it the whole length of the fence. Or perhaps use it and make yourself something like a wind breaker that surrounds you and your scope but still allows you to observe.

mine is double thickness garden weed material - about £15-20 per roll and I think I used two rolls for three longish lengths. worth it though. you could make one quadruple thickness maybe from one roll by the looks of it. mine is on washing lines hanging via hooks. plan some sort of weighting system as the breeze plays havoc. note to self - practise what you preach.

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