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DSLR, CCD, Webcam


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CCD and DSLR are primarily for deep sky... although you can use a DSLR for the moon and sun (when properly filtered) and others have had success using the video modes of an SLR for lunar and planetary.

A webcam or similar high frame rate camera is great for lunar mosaics and planetary.

A CCD can be used for lunar and planetary, I've seen some very good images taken this way, but I don't think the software is really designed to support it.

I've no experience of using a CCD...

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As John says, DSLRs tends to be used for deep sky/wide field, but I use mine for full disc lunar and solar imaging as well.

CCDs tend to come in two different varieties. There those that are more targeted at DSO imaging and those that support high frame rates that are more orientated towards planetary and close-up lunar/solar imaging. There's a certain amount of overlap, but generally the DSO type cameras have greater resolution (and ideally lower noise) than the others.

Webcams are generally also used for planetary and lunar/solar close-ups, though those modded for long exposures can be used for DSO imaging as well.

There are no hard and fast rules, though for imaging solar system objects at long focal lengths high frame rate cameras tend to be preferred.


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