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Are these Plossl lenses any good


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They are really expensive compared to the excellent Vixen Plössl at £30.00 from FLO.

But it's about £50 for 4, so about £12.50 each.

Just to add my opinion, I personally would only trust unbranded EPs from sellers I trust, although it doesn't stop you trying them out, they might be okay :).

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It is four for £46, isn't it? So less than half the price of the Vixen?

I'd still avoid them though. I've seen no reason to believe that it's possible to sell a decent quality eyepiece for that kind of money. If you really want a set I'd say the Revelation (same as GSO) set as sold by FLO and others is the way to go, but you'll pay almost three times the price.


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Well, they do offert a full refund if not satisfied. From what people have said, yes they are different styles. Some come close, I believe, when I looked in the past to the Antares plossls. I would, however, save up for a good set of GSO plossls - these are wonderful, and not too expensive if you search around. A good kit might set you back £80 - 110, but the views are worth it!

For example, on scopes and skies, 4 GSO plossls, 4 filters and a case costs £75. £20 more, but the eyepieces are worth it alone! If you don't use the filters, sell them, and basically getting your eyepieces for like £50 anyway. Or, you could go on the Astro boot section of that site, and get a 12mm GSO and 20mm Antares plossl for £12 each. Then add a decent planetary eyepiece, (BST, TMB, etc.) for about £40 - 50, cheaper if second hand, and have a nice little kit going.

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Few things that are cheap are any good, these to me are clearly nothing but rubbish. Leave them alone, buy one good eyepiece for this price that you can depend on. You are never going to do your scope justice with these cheap and cheerfuls and at the end of it you will not be cheerful!


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Depends on the use you have for them, if they are to take to public evenings where people may end up putting finger prints on the glass then fine. That is the reason I bought a set of 6 plossl for as I didn't want hands all over a set of WO SWAN's.

One thing to note is that it says Set of 4, the picture is not a set of 4.

So what you see is not what you may be getting.

That rings an alarm bell with me.

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