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Dog walk with orion...


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dog was barkin at 445am, so took him for his morning stroll and started to gaze at orion just over the road from my house...now i started to count said stars in orion and first count..23..2mins later,25..5mins later 26!..26 that cann't be bad...so there's a challenge for you lot.post numbers honestly please...

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You lucky person - from my house I can only just make out the 7 major stars :sad:

From my garden i can only see the 7 major stars naked eye. If i view Orion throught a 32mm EP with my scope, i lose count of how many stars are actually there in the constellation.

To see 26 stars in the constellation means you are blessed with very dark skies where you live and blessed with perfect eyesight.

For me though................Orion and me go back 30+yrs and to me it will always and only ever be 7 stars.

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I was gonna ask where the boundaries to this were. I remember last year there was a survey for people to count the stars within the main rectangle. Once it's rising at a respectable time (and i stop working 13hour days) i'l give it a go. Moved house a couple of months ago and the skies here are pretty sweet - no streetlights on this estate :)

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