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Has anyone created a Photoshop script for processing?

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Having just purchased the CS6 version of Photoshop and being faced with a steep learning curve to get used to the options I'll need to use in post processing images I wondered whether it would be worth creating some base scripts so I could evaluate how an image may appear once processed.

So is anyone using a script for say their solar images?

I expect even if scripted some of the stages would be tweaked but surely this is easier if each stage has been run already.

From a quick google I can find the odd single line scripts to full blown tutorials but I'm looking for astro specific tips.



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Thanks guys, the Annies Actions look like the sort of thing I was expecting to be able to do but from generic PS sites I thought the majority of automation was done by creating your own java scripts.

If I manage to create anything worthwhile I'll post the examples.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can create 'Droplets' (under File) in most versions of PS. You can create your own sequence of actions etc within a droplet. Then you simply drag your images onto the droplet and it will process each according to its set of instructions and save the processed images in a new folder.

Use multiple droplets.

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I've written a few. I have one for colourizing solar images, though it always needs a tweak since each image seems to need a different balance. And I have a couple for making stars round. This only works on one star at once, selected by the magic wand, but it is useful on my TEC images because, not having the thousand dollar flattener, one or two corner stars sometimes show a little coma. This is also useful for 'mixing' the star colour when, try as I might, I don't get absolutely perfect colour alignment over the whole chip.

I have Noel's Actions and use a few of them in every image processing job.


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