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N0 cash in the ATIK.....a choice....please help!


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Cash in the Atik?....i wish there was!

but i have enough saved to begin looking at a choice. I have an sw 80 refractor:

please help me decide between the following 2 CCD cameras for deep sky imaging:

a second-hand Atik 16hr for £500


a brand-new Atik 314e for £725

hoping someone can help?



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Well, the Atik 16hr is a icx285 ExView mono chip with 1392x1040 pixels - same as my SXVR-H9 and the Atik 314l+.

The Atik 314e uses a icx205 colour chip with the same pixel count but is only 6.5x4.8 mm (4.65 micron pixels), compared to the 9x6.7mm with 6.5u pixels of the icx285.

So: do you want a small colour camera or a bigger mono one?

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thanks pete....a bigger mono one it is then...the 16hr.

(by the way....since my last posting, i've proposed to my girlfriend...and she said 'yes'!



Congratualtions - I guess that answers the "which CCD" question, too :shocked:

oh, BTW the 314 comes in mono or colour - still the same sensor, tho'

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thanks guys.....

.....i'm a bit worried tho......she's already on ebay!!!!

no really....she's a lovely girl, who's encouraged me back into this hobby after a really difficult 10 years. during this time, i completely lost enthusiasm....now it's BACK!!! it's a measure of how things have turned around, due in every way to Lucy.

on the subject of the ccd....i've located a 2nd hand one for £500. does that sound ok?


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Hi Bob,

Firstly ......Congratulations! :grin:

You seem to be 'on a roll' so I would go for the filters now - you will get so much more out of the camera. I have a manual 'Scopeteknix filter-wheel (5 position for 1.25" filters) that I don't use if you would like it (gratis)? After all, I owe you for the night vision torch you kindly gave me! If you have the filter wheel it would be a shame not to buy some filters to go with it!



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Congratulations Bob!!

My thoughts on the 16HR is that it is mind numbingly slow for downloads and just generally as it still works on USB1. Compared to my 314L+, it was lucky that it didn't get thrown out of the obs. If you are able to afford £715 for the new Atik, then how about waiting for a 314L+ to come up second hand and put a little more towards it?

Perhaps if you're not using them both together the slowness wouldn't be an issue, but it did my head in. Also, I prefer the set point cooling on the 314L+ rather than the cooling on the 16HR where it goes to 25-27 degree's below ambient. If you are going to use darks, the 16HR will be a lot more tricky to get the temperatures right.

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Congratulations Bob and Lucy.

Regarding CCD camera Bob, I saw a 2nd hand Atik314L on sale for £635 (ish) at Kelling by one of the traders. If you're interested PM me and I'll give you the trader's contact details.

One thing I should say, don't go for a smaller chip than this as I even felt the 314 was disappointingly small after the DSLR, though Sara and Dave Smith seem happy enough with it after a DSLR.


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