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The End of the Despair


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[Apologies to Graham Greene :)]

With almost horizon-to-horizon blue skies yesterday evening I gambled on putting out both the 127 Mak on the EQ3-2 so I could polar align it for any solar imaging that time might allow today, and the ST120 with its new-to-me dual-speed Crayford. As twilight fell the occasional cloud popped up, but nothing that bothered me too much. Things were still looking good. Sadly the story was not the same by 11pm as a fair bit of cloud had built up and was speeding its way across the sky, greatly enlarging the light dome of Taunton and blotting out much from the north round to the south-east. Nonetheless, my last night out was 19th June, and 15th May before that. I'd probably sit outside under a blanket with holes poked it in by now, so I was determined to make the best of it.

M72 and M73 were my first two targets, but Capricornus was completely covered by cloud so I went back to look for M24. I just couldn't find M24 last time I was out, but Olly P's image of it posted earlier this week gave me a much better idea of what I was looking for and having spent a little time revisiting M22 and the Omega and Eagle nebulae I found what is clearly a much more dense area of blue-white stars in the right place for M24. Now i've seen it and understand what it is I'm not in the least surprised I couldn't find it last time. My expectations were all wrong and I probably looked straight at it without realising what I was looking at.

The main Sagittarius asterism was scooting along the tree tops, so I decided to try to find the three Messier objects along the bottom edge. All three were fairly simple star hops from Kaus Australis, but being so low on the horizon they were also fairly unrewarding to view. More aperture and a more southerly latitude is required for these one day I think. M54 was a landmark for me though, being my 100th Messier object.

Around half past midnight I looked up at Ursa Minor to get an estimate of NELM for the night (getting up towards 5.5) and as I was counting stars a beautiful meteor shot southwards straight through both Ursa Minor and Major leaving a trail of sparkling debris behind it, covering about thirty to forty degrees of sky (measured using my hands) before winking out. It must be the prettiest meteor I've ever seen. Such a shame it lasted no more than a heartbeat.

By this time the cloud over Capricornus was clearing and I could see the "tail" stars, so I moved on to find M75. Another that needs more aperture, I think, but hopefully it should benefit from being a little higher in the sky later in the year. I'm not at all sure the remaining cloud wasn't washing out the view, too, as M72 and M73 were very much the same. I fancy I did at one point glimpse the Saturn Nebula using averted vision, but I really can't be sure.

My final "new" Messier for the night was M55, still low on the horizon and not the most straightforward of hops from Tau Sagittarii as few stars were visible at such low altitude. I identified where I thought it ought to be and was greeted with a mushy grey view of, well, nothing, really. For just a fleeting few seconds the sky cleared and I saw what might well be a fairly impressive globular cluster under better conditions, but obviously last night was not to be the night. Another for the "more aperture, less latitude" list.

As I packed up I spent a bit of time just looking at the sky as a whole. Much of the cloud had cleared and the view of the Milky Way was outstanding, clearly running all the way from Scorpius over to the northern side of Cassiopeia. As I walked down the garden path I was so distracted by the fact that I could see M31 with the naked eye that I almost impaled myself on the washing line.

Clearly this was too good to miss, so I packed up the scope, found the bins and a beer and sat outside just scooting around the sky picking out stars, watching satellites and chasing meteors with the 10x50s. At one point I saw an astonishingly bright flash in the Milky Way near Sagitta which travelled north as it dimmed. I assume it was an Iridium flare, but I've not yet checked. Having never seen it before I also found the Coathanger entirely by chance, and whilst looking away and finding it again just to prove I could realised that it is also a naked eye object here.

By 2am I decided that If I didn't want to be a complete waste of space this morning I'd better call it a night and did so very contentedly.


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Great report James and glad you got out to blow the cobwebs away.

Completely agree with your comments of M24 as that was my main target last night. Took me a while to confirm its ID as its such a large area of star cloud . I didn't see Olly P's image you mention but I decided that the big patch of dark nebulosity next to a small light nebula must of been it. I sketched it so will add that and my own report when I've woke up (4am finish!).

Oh and congrats on passing the century mark with your Messiers. :)

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Oh and congrats on passing the century mark with your Messiers. :)

Thank you. I think "completing the set" is beyond me this year as M83 is probably lost for this season unless I travel a fair bit further south, and M7 is going to be marginal unless I can pick it up very soon. The other four are definitely achievable this autumn though. Still, it means I already have at least one target for next summer :)


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great to see theres report movement again, i hope to join in at some stage. ive sooo much to see aroiund saggitarius, what a loaded area of sky.

congrats on the 100 mark james.

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Thank you. I think "completing the set" is beyond me this year as M83 is probably lost for this season unless I travel a fair bit further south, and M7 is going to be marginal unless I can pick it up very soon.


I managed to see M6 and M7 for the first time last night. Only just managed M7 though and the site we were on overlooks the sea so nothing between us and the horizon.

Around half past midnight I looked up at Ursa Minor to get an estimate of NELM for the night (getting up towards 5.5) and as I was counting stars a beautiful meteor shot southwards straight through both Ursa Minor and Major leaving a trail of sparkling debris behind it, covering about thirty to forty degrees of sky (measured using my hands) before winking out. It must be the prettiest meteor I've ever seen. Such a shame it lasted no more than a heartbeat.

I'm so glad you mentioned the meteor. I'd completely forgotten that we saw a dozen or more last night, none as pretty as the one you've described mind. I wrote up my viewing log earlier this evening and didn't remember that at all! How weird is that?

Great post James and I owe you one. :icon_salut:


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You're welcome :)

I observe from pretty much the top of a hill so I don't have too much trouble with the horizons, but It's never going to be as good as looking out over the sea. If there's no mist that must be fantastic. By the looks of it M7 doesn't even make five degrees above the horizon here at the moment, so it really is going to be a tough one.

I saw half a dozen or so meteors last night, including one that passed straight through the field of view whilst I was looking at M72, but was otherwise unremarkable. I think the reason the good one was so good though was that I was looking at the sky right where it appeared and so had the opportunity to concentrate on it. Usually I find they appear in my peripheral vision and are gone almost before I have time to react. Regardless of the fact that they're really quite numerous I always enjoy seeing them.


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Well done on breaking through the 100-barrier. Hopefully one good Sagittarius session will put me into the nineties.

There's so much to see in that area. It's a shame that part of the sky is only visible for such a short period of time.


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Great report James, thanks for sharing. There really is some treasures in that area of sky. I love having a wander round there with a scope, great fun.

hopefully a few more clear nights and we'll all be off observing again. :)

Fingers crossed

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Looking at the Met Office forecast for Wiveliscombe we're supposed to have three clear nights starting tonight. I don't tend to believe much until it gets here these days, but if that's true it's going to be a tiring week :)


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