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Aeroplane sillhouette against the solar disc


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I was observing the sun today (6" f11 dob, Baader white light filer,32mm plossl (50x) and Baader solar continuum filter) and enjoying the excellent activity (the thread has a super image representing closely the detail I saw) when all of a sudden a 'plane shot across the disc! It was really bizarre sight and truly spectacular! OK I missed the Venus transit but this was more impressive, albeit not as rare an event. the wings spanned the whole disc.

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this happened to me once with the pst... it's really, really odd. it didn't span the whole disc, but i got a little plane shape, upside down of course, and some little tufts of "smoke" chug out of the back like a kid's drawing of smoke from a steam train chimney. made me jump. it was only the second time i'd used the scope and it hasn't happened again since.

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Similar thing happened to me the other day as well.

Was observing with the PST in between cloud breaks when a pigeon landed on my neighbours aerial, all of a sudden its head appeared right in the centre of the suns disk, I could not tell what it was initially but figured it out when it started nodding :grin:

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Similar thing happened to me the other day as well.

Was observing with the PST in between cloud breaks when a pigeon landed on my neighbours aerial, all of a sudden its head appeared right in the centre of the suns disk, I could not tell what it was initially but figured it out when it started nodding :grin:


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