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Re: Phillips toucam


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I've read a lot of stuff so far about astronomy, and the toucam keeps popping up, they say its great for astrophotography, also I've noticed 1 or 2 of you have them. Now what I want to know is are these modified in anyway, or are they used as is. Also, because the usb cable is quite short, how is it connected to the pc. You can just tell from my question that I'm not particulary technologically minded can't you?

If I don't ask I won't know, if it needs adjusting, I'll give it a go!

Caz :sunny:

ps....the moon was beautiful tonight!

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Well Caz the truth of the matter is this.

I f when you glue the tube to the webcam housing you don't get it spot on

straight and have the chip placed directly in the middle of the tube

it will be absolutely useless.This is not as easy as it sounds.

I say this to you as you say that you are not technically minded.

On this occasion i would say buy the proper fitting.

I know that i have just went against what Damien and James said on this

but ask them what fitting they use and i bet its NOT the glued on tube version.

I know that they are just trying to help you along and their advice is sound

from a DIY perspective.

(i could have chose to do this too but didn't as its easier just to buy it)

If you are not too technically minded then i would recommend that you NOT go down the

DIY astro kit route.

Just my take on the subject.

(You can tell those that watched Blue Peter during the sticky backed plastic era) :clouds2:

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Jamie has a very good point Caz forgive me i always seen to think people can do this kinda thing ooopppss :clouds2: :clouds2: :whip2: :nono: :clouds2::(

I think Bern at Modern Astronomy sell's these for a fair price http://www.modernastronomy.com/ordering.html :lol:

(You can tell those that watched Blue Peter during the sticky backed plastic era
Wanna see my hubble space telescope made out of old washing up liquid bottles and milk bottle tops? all placed with sticky back plasic of course with that it would just be silly :clouds2: :clouds2:

James :lol:

PS:I have both the proper adapter and Film canister :clouds2:

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Another issue is a Laptop/Computer, is it viable to have your home computer outside or inside so it's close enough to a Telescope? When you start thinking of laptops etc etc the cost does go up quite a lot!..Just a thought..

James :clouds2:

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I think we covered this on another thread because i'm getting a case of deja vue but the laptop is pretty essential because you want to be right next to the scope to do the fine focus.

The good news is the laptop only needs to be a very low spec indeed. We're talking Pentium 200mmx with 32Mb Ram, 4.3 Gb HDD, one USB port and Win 98se/Me. That sort of laptop should be around for under a £100, maybe £50 on Ebay if you're lucky. Recently got my cousin a laptop for Uni, we got that off Ebay. £75 for a Pentium II 300, 64Mb Ram, 8.6Gb HDD, CD Rom, 12.1" TFT and USB.

I think with some serious hunting you could be fully up and running for approx £100 inc the laptop. Thats £15 for a Logitech 3000Pro, £15 for a 1.25" adapter and £75 for the laptop. The Logitech 3000Pro can be modified later to SC1.5 spec to match a Meade DSI.



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And I haven't even got a scope yet, oh yes, I can make one of those Oswell can't I
Yep get a Toilet Roll and a Couple of magnifying Glass's and job's a good UN! :clouds2:

You can get a Usb extention but if it's too long there will not be enough power running through it then things get difficult and you need to buy Special leads to power the usb leads :clouds2:.

James :clouds2:

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You can get a Usb extention but if it's too long there will not be enough power running through it then things get difficult and you need to buy Special leads to power the usb leads  :clouds2:.

... these extra long USB leads have small batt' powered boosters fitted periodically along the cable. 

(There are times when I really enjoy the simplicity of regular eye-eyepiece-observation).


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(There are times when I really enjoy the simplicity of regular eye-eyepiece-observation).
Yeah isnt that the Truth :clouds2:

I would say get yourself sorted with a Telescope first learn your way around the Sky then think about Astrophotography it's all too easy to jump head first into Astrophotography and get put off the Hobby IMHO. The scope Russ has suggested is a fine Scope and one hell of a good first scope.

James :clouds2:

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I have seen several strong and healthy astro hobbies crash and burn on the runway as a result of getting involved in imaging too soon.  There are plenty of experienced astronomers out there content to let the experts - and Hubble - provide the pretty pictures

Just my opinion,


PS: That'll rattle some cages :clouds2:

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My thoughts precisely Gaz :clouds2:

However, I am inspired by some of the wide-field images posted here (taken with a conventional camera piggy-backed) and hope to have a go myself next year. 

Over time, I'd like to put together a collection of images of various constellations 8)


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They are ribbing you - but in the nicest possible way!!!

Enjoying the skies anyway you can is fine and is the best way to start while you wait to make the right scope choice. Whether you use bins or just sit back and look, it's all astronomy.

As for cloudy skies, well, we all get those - some more often than others (or so it seems), but when they clear WOW!!!

BTW, is there an astro society near you? Always worth joining your local one. Some have scopes you can borrow, or other resources. It's worth it!


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