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Try to catch Jupiter this weekend


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On 17.06 early morning Jupiter will be quite close to the Moon. Day before it will be further away but still using the Moon as a guide point it should be "easy" to find Jupiter on daylight sky (via a finderscope).

It's a good opportunity to take some early images and check what's going on Jupiter (like NTB disturbance - http://www.pvol.ehu.es/pvol/ ).

As it's daylight using a dew shield to block direct sunlight is a good idea. For imaging you could try to change the gamma (make it darker, for TIS cams it's moving it up). Also infrared/red filters will be much better than green/blue due to glowing sky smile.gif

And be careful not to point the scope at the Sun.

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Good heads-up, but mate, you should see the weather that we are haviong over here. Its biblical :mad:

Looking at the rain storm that delayed the Euro footy last night, looks like the weather in Poland (& Ukraine) is not up to much either at the moment.


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I was up this morning, hoping for a visual glimpse, but all I got was a wonderful crescent moon between clouds. Even here in the South China Sea, it's been clouded out and lashing with rain since that BIG event on the 6th. I'll be having a go tomorrow morning though, just in case...

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