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Venus Transit From Melbourne, Australia


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Wow, what a fantastic morning. It's been mixed weather recently and Melbourne is famous for 4 seasons in 1 day, but this morning was a beaut considering it is winter! The transit started at about 8:15am, so I took the day off work. I set up my C80-ED up on my SLT mount in a field in front of the house and set the camera to take shots every 20s to capture the start of the action, then slowed to about 1 every 5 mins. I used a white light solar filter. The SLT performed admirably with a fairly weighty setup, despite only aligning on the sun, it tracked very well. I had back-up binos with solar filters and solar glasses in case of equipment failure. It looked great through the binos.

It started to cloud over after a couple of hours, but I still managed to get some snaps between the clouds, but unfortunately couldn't see the end. So, here's the start, middle and the last one I could get, along with my setup. Sorry the weather didn't work out better in the UK, but looks like some of you got some snaps.







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