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My new Solar Filter and First Solar Image 28-4-12


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I spent all afternoon making a solar filter for the scope, then the sun went in!! It did come out again, and I got some observing and photos. I'm a little paranoid about the fragility of the Baader Solar Film, so I made this wooden frame with pivoting covers to protect the film when not in use.


The wooden shield around the finderscope allows sighting on the sun without the light in your face.


The images I took were dodging between the clouds, and several images show the veil of mist across the disc.

Real image


False colour


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Great start fella ,

I've recently started the same game and find that taking multiple shots (50 or so) and then stacking them in Registax , (only just realised you can do single frames as well as AVI's,) can yield some really crisp detail.

Have fun.

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Should be OK I think provided target doesn't jump around too much, just delete dodgy shots and try the "centre of gravity" option in the Align box. Think thats what I did last time.

Been so long without sun its o job to remember.

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We've had so much rain recently I haven't been out. When I went out to the garden today, I noticed a bucket which was almost full of water, so we must have had around 10 inches of rain in the last ten to fourteen days.

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