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Hi guys,

I don't know if this has been mentioned before but for those who don't know then Astropanel is an app worth having if you have an android phone. i don't know if its available for iPhone though.

Basically i think its just information taken from 7timer.com but with the added bonus that you can setup alerts for when the weather hits certain criteria set by the user, which i think is handy

hopefully this link will work


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I wanted to get this the other day for my new phone but I haven't got the hang of it yet, mobile phone technology has left me behind a long time ago.

Still I'll figure it out eventually.

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+1 for this app, very handy, but only as accurate as the forcasts :)

If you search Google Play, you can also download Sat24's app for a very accurate but very short term forecast, very good to see the breaks in the usual cloud headed your way.

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A few people have suggested a widget... Which display from the app is it you would like to see most as a widget?

Cloud cover for the next 24 hours would be ace. Just to know if it's worth loading the app to check the other conditions.

Seriously fantastic app, Shibby. Ridiculously useful - Anything you do to it in future would be a bonus to what is already a very saleable product.

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Iv'e been using it for a week or so and so far I think it is great. It has predicted clouds every night an been 100% right! 7Timer are good aren't they.

It says Monday or Tuesday will be better.

I like the non-rotating display. So many aps think they have to rotate even if it makes the display unusable.

My only issues (on HTC wildfire (the original one))are:

1) The device location is hidden under the detail display button.

2) The alert me between selection drop down does not select the taped number.

If you need more information like screen grabs or device specs let me know.

Any way top marks for this ap.

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A cloud cover widget would be very handy !.

Oh just a heads up that if you have a Samsung Galaxy S2 then the ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich/Android 4.0) firmware is now available.

I upgraded mine this morning. Its nice

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