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First use what am I doing wrong

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Ok so I took my 250px out tonight after earlier aligning the finder scope

I lined up with Venus and saw what looked like a bright golf ball with golf ball like bobbles all over

I then lined it up with mars and saw the same a bright white golf ball with the same bobbles all over

Am I doing something wrong

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I've not used that kind of scope, but sounds like what I see if my scope are well out of focus, so maybe it needs to be focussed more? I know on my refractors (and on my nexstar too) I have to work the focusser quite a lot to get it sharp - once its in the "zone", it'll only need minor adjustment then. I remember the first time I set up my nexstar I was really surprised how much I had to turn the focusser.

What ep do you have fitted?

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Something is not right there obviously. Are you using a Synscan handset or going manual? Another possibilty might be that your scope is way out of focus and no matter what you look at it will all be about the same.

Go back to Venus (or anything nice and bright) and have a play with the focus. Even easier is point at the moon and get that in focus.

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It is the first time I have ever used it I did fiddle a little with the focus but it stayed the same image

Can it take a while to focus it correctly and will it help if I power it up with the goto system

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I didn't focus it much as wasn't aware that it was that causing the problem and it kept moving out of sight I think I will use the goto to track and will spend more time focusing next time out.

It is worth mentioning I have never used a telescope before so the fact my first attempt was not a success is probable not surprising I am an ultimate newb

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Good luck Michael - I'm sure you'll get it next time out:)! As I said in my previous post, it took me a while to figure out I needed to turn the focusser way more than I expected first time out. And then with my second scope (the TAL) I had really problems with the focusser slipping and nearly falling out (nearly dropping £50 worth of ep on the concrete of my yard!), until I realised several days later I hadn't tightened the tension screw anything like enough:o!

And don't worry about asking what might seem "newb" questions - we were all newbs once and we've all had to start from somewhere! The only really dumb question is the question that doesn't get asked !

Let us know how you get on - you should get some great views with that scope soon :D!

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