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R.A Motor drive for Skywatcher 130m

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Hey everyone, i bought a scope last year at a star party but i decided to get it out last night after a long day painting lol. i was told eventually to look in to getting an R.A drive but the problem is i have no idea where to look or how much it should cost me, so i would love it if any of you have this scope or know about it to help me locate one please............... thanks in advance xxxx :(

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Hi Kerry,

The 130M is generally sold on one mount - which is the EQ2.

So while Eddy might be wrong, it's fairly likely that he's right. If you want to post up an image of the mount - we can be 100%.



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Ah yes, i knew it was something like that, might make it easier for me as i get tired of adjusting all the time, id love to keep upgrading it with all the mod cons but dont know if its practical really.... just though i better find out what EQ i had first lol x

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Yep it looks like an EQ to me.

The drives keep an object (once found by you) in the field of view.

For low power observing it's not so important, but when you crank up the power for the moon or planets - then it really does become a must have.

For you to continually turn the manual adjuster will cause the scope to vibrate, which will affect your view... by the time the vibrating has settled down you'll need to center the object again...

It's not vital - but lovely to have... But it does mean that you need to start thinking about batteries etc...


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yeah i guess there are a few other things il need with the motor, but i can buy them in stages and then put them together once iv got them. so is it the eq2? then i have to find a model suitable for it. yes the vibrations have annoyed me a little x

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I've got the economy one on one of my mounts and it works just fine for me. You only really need one speed. I also have a Skywatcher 130/900 on an EQ2 with the multi-speed one. I got it off eBay for twenty quid. The do crop up from time to time.

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