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Darn weather


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Yes, sorry, I'm out as well.

Sitting outside with the laptop, getting subs of M101 as I type.

Going to hopefully try to image M95 complete with SN in an hour and a half if the cloud stays away!

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cloudy all day here. Working late and as i drove home, the clouds rolled away to produce the most fantastic clear sky. Stars shone true and bright, no twinkle. Rushed in the door, whipped out the 6" and 10" to cool down. Grabbed something quick to eat, wrapped up nice and warm. Got the rest of the kit out. Alighed the az circle to polaris. Zeroed the wixey. Got the first eyepiece in the focusser and when i went to zero in on Mars, it was gone. Glanced up and the whole sky was cloudy. blumming HELL! How frustrating.

I'm damned if its going to beat me. Going to sleep in my gear and keep peeking out. I gotta feeling it has to clear.........


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Where I am the weather has been fantastic....in fact I've had three straight imaging sessions over the last 3 days...and thats a record for me!

I'm on an absolute high at the moment as I'm getting some good images of M51..which hopefully I'll get processed over the weekend..if its cloudy!....but with the prospect of more fine weather coming..the processing may have to wait for a change!

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Hallalolliaaaaa, had a clear night last night and tested my homemade mount, feeling very very very happy/smug, it worked better than I ever thought! check out the updates on my blog.

The Fochabers Observatory

been haze all night bahhhhhhhhh

ps nice set up [love the invisible shed [where did you get that from:)]

your blog was very interesting and first light yesterday and clear skies must have been a buzz

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