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2nd hand EQ3-2 mount - good buy?

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I am about to buy a second hand EQ3-2 mount and tripod c/w the polar alignment scope for £100 including P&P.

The mount is for my skymax 102 mat/cass.

I think the mount is the standard one and not the delux version as it doesn't state that in the add and I would think that it would have been mentioned if it was. ;)

I have seen a new standard skywatcher EQ3-2 mount for about £145 and the polar scope for £34.99 so I am thinking £90 off for a little used mount is a good deal.

My question is: is this a good deal? Your thoughts would be most appreciated before I part with my cash! ;)


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You may want to check whether it has a saddle for a dovetail or requires scope rings. If it doesn't have the same fittings as you currently use then you'll need to sort that as well. Some do both, but older ones don't have a saddle for a dovetail.

Otherwise, if it's in good condition, then it doesn't seem an unreasonable price to me.


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As someone who at one point was trying to sell one in good nick, polar scope and a lot of tweeking I think that could be a bit on the dear end. I couldn't get a bite at £80 so I gave in and decided to keep hold of it until I upgrade the telescope and sell as a package.

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The thing is the manufacturers mislead over prices. On FLO the Eq3 is £164 and the 150p tube is £229 total £393 yet, bought as a package, they are £279 so someone is fibbing about the real value somewhere. On here we tend to see through it (I've known people buy a package just for the mount or tube and sell the rest - I picked up a brand new CG5 for £90 off someone doing that). There always seems to be enough people on ebay who don't know this to push prices up these days - especially with so many newcomers scrambling to buy gear "cheap".

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Thanks for all your comments guys!

I think whatever I do it's going to be wrong, so I guess I am going to go for it. At least it will be better than trying to follow things with the camera tripod which I am using at the moment! ;)


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Bottom line is it's a decent enough light weight mount and its value is whatever it's worth to you. You might lose money should you sell it on but then you could have lost a whole lot more if you'd bought new!

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I'm trying really hard to avoid catching aperture fever at the moment, so hopefully being able to track things easier will help fight off the bug! :)

I am a bit of a fiddler :) so I dare say I will have the mount apart in a short while to see if I can improve things! ;)

It's like in all things, if you wait for the ultimate at the best possible price you will never get anything.

Thanks again for all your help and comments.


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