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PST First light


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Hi All,

Only got an hour, but I got first light on my PST yesterday evening.

Put a short dovetail on it and set it up on my Skytee2 for a quick look. Used the supplied K20 eyepiece which isn't too bad. Focus comes easily and being only a 400mm scope, hand tracking is easy.

Love the little built in solar finder, works well. If the bright spot is central, it's in the eyepiece :)

Also had an airliner fly through shot, that looked terrific but admit I jumped.

Once I got my eye in, and tuned the etalon, the level of detail is actually very good. I wasn't sure whether I would be disappointed by not going for a double stacked version, but I'm glad I didn't. I'll go for that if I ever get a bigger Lunt or mod this.

Sun was starting to get low so put in my 8mm Hyperion. Could get focus just fine but the image suffered, just too much magnification I think.

So in went the 18mm BGO. Wow, now we are talking. Detail really pops now, lots of good contrast. Must find a 12.5mm BGO.

Wife, who usually only pops out for two minutes at night, brought me a mug of tea, hung about for a good twenty minutes taking in turns to view. As she said "My kind of astronomy".

So in all, very impressed.

I have a DMK41 mono on the way for imaging duties so that should be fun.

Very happy to be on the light side as well now. Setup in the afternoon for solar work, at sunset put the PST away and put my imaging scope up to cool while I eat, then visual/image at night. At this rate I'll never need to go back in the house :)

Solar bug well and truely bitten. Lunt on the list next, but wow, they are not cheap, next year I think.



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It's great you got out to have a first light and sounds like it was a great session. You make a good point about transitioning from solar to night time viewing - you'll never be inside now!:)

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