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Who can spot Mercury in the next 20 min?


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Think this thread is a bit after-the-event :) Mercury is now down to mag 2 and closing towards the sun as a very thin crescent - casual gazing or binos won't find it :) Been trying for last few nights without luck - last viewed 3 evenings ago via 12" SCT thus through tree branches..


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I had a good 'four planets' evening a few nights ago, but I was cheating a bit, was down in Spain (lat. 38°N). Mercury was clear and easy with the naked eye, a little way above the horizon, and of course Venus and Jupiter above it, and Mars to the east, made it four. If I'd stayed up a bit I'd have had Saturn as well of course, but not simultaneously with the others. Would that qualify as a 'five planet' night?

Uranus was very close to Mercury at the time, but I didn't bother with trying to find it in the bins!

I think Mercury is getting more and more difficult from the UK, perhaps due to atmospherics. Certainly I was disappointed at not finding it over the last two weeks, from the UK, despite the favourable season. Possibly early mornings in the autumn are a better prospect.

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