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Budget DSO showcase


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That's so, yes. Some people do add them using an Action written by Noel Carboni.


I think that's odd. I don't think they're a crime against imaging or anything that extreme, but I do find them distracting.

Clearly other people don't :)


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he he yes Stan:D I'm a bit worried because this threads right up my street:D I'm hoping people can see that the HEQ5 mk1 is simply a larger EQ5 and that I don't have a Pro mount or anything fancy, the mount was even a bit rustic looking until I stripped it down cleaned and greased it all and touched up the paint:D

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Hi Bugle, in that case I should perhaps not post?, although can I just make sure your not mixing up the HEQ5 mk1 with the HEQ5 Pro Synscan, the later is often quoted to be the minumum for AP as its sturdy and has very accurate stepper motors also it has something called periodic error correction and an ST4 autoguider port. This is way more expensive than my mk1 HEQ5 which is a beefier version of the EQ5 it uses the same kind of servo motors as the eq5, and therefore as the same tracking accuracy as the EQ5, I bought it because one day I will buy the 300 pound upgrade to make it into the HEQ5 Pro which would be amazing:D

No your fine. Post away. The old black HEQ5 is almost as rubbish as the rest of our gear :) As you quite rightly point out, the HEQ5 model you are supposed to use for imaging is the new white one with the high precision internal motors and ST4 port as standard.

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Thanks for the thumbs up Rik:) Ah you see Stan I've just snuck in:D, I certainly feel on a budget, I still get the same sub lenghs as those using an EQ5, I'm at about 60 second subs without chunking too many out. I think I've managed one pic thats almost worthy, I'll post it:D

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I stand corrected, it is the new HEQ5 to which I'm referring... If I do decide to go HEQ5 route it will be with second hand gear anyway, so the black version would be a contender...

As I said in the showcase thread its at the discretion of the poster to determine the validity of the budget status of the gear. If any body does post at what others consider beyond the scope of this thread (lets face it, it will at most be boarder line), they can simply use those images as a comparison to the gains (or lack of) to using better gear.

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Hi Bugle, if you can affored it I would definately go for a second hand HEQ5 Pro, you can get them for about 450-500 pounds (750 new), my HEQ5 mk1 is simply a bigger EQ5 and unless you have a heavy OTA like a 200p, it wont be any better than an EQ5 for AP, but if you are on a tight budget and have a large OTA then you can pick up a basic HEQ5 like mine for 250-300 pounds:) I think I read that you are thinking of getting a 150p, I would check out the 150PDS for AP I've heard good things, and if you can affored it I would check out the EQ5 pro, it wont be as good as an HEQ5 Pro but it will definately outperform a mk1 HEQ5, as it has pretty good stepper motors, periodic correction, and the ST4 port for guiding, and I nearly forgot it comes with GOTO:)



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I use a setup that I wouldn't entirely recommend, but I have a Celestron Omni 120 XLT

Canon XSi unmodded

CG-4 with the cheap motor controls

There is M7, NGC 884 and 869, and M42.

Total equipment is about 800, and all processing is done on trials.




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Very impressive Crossy considering you are imaging at f/8.3! and I'll probably get shot for saying this but I kinda like the Chromatic Aberration on the NGC pic:D really good M42 as well, some nice faint nebulosity in their, just Shows what you can do when you put your mind to it, I would post them on the image and description only link, see below:



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Hi Starfox,

I have looked at the 150PDS, however, I already have the 150p on an eq3-2, and having seen some of the results obtainable with it (mainly on sturdier mounts) I think I will stick with it for some time...

At the very top end of what I could spend when I upgrade would be £500, but that is pushing things, additionally, I'd like to get set up guiding also, which I could do if I went second hand HEQ5 mk1 or second hand EQ5 Goto (or standard).

I guess it will depend on whats available at the time and how much I want the convenience of goto... hopefully I will get to a star party or meet up prior then and have a good look at an eq5, as i suspect it would meet my needs (provided, I don't want to upgrade the OTA).

The other showcase thread is look great by the way!!!

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Hi Bugle, can you achieve focus with a DSLR on your 150P? If so I might consider getting one as I would like a second scope with a longer focal length for galaxy imaging as my ZS66 is a great wide field scope but not the best thing for small apparant sized objects like galaxies and planetaty nebs. I found the 200p that came with my HEQ5 a bit too big for me so a 150p might be a good compromise?:)

I think you could do a mount upgrade and guiding within your budget:) e.g. mk1 HEQ5 with DIY shoestring astronomy ST4 port, then strap an ST80 plus webcam to it and guide using Phd free download, have I missed anything anyone?

I bet you can't wait to say good bye to the EQ3-2 ali tripod:D

and I totally agree Bugle:) I'm blown away by the pitures so far on the showcase thread, I hope people keep adding them:D


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Hi starfox,

I have not tried as I do not yet have a dslr (am using an lx modded spc880nc, which went well and is now tested and working :)).

However I believe its the same as the 200p. You can unscrew the 1.25" ep adapter from the 2" and a T-thread is revealed ready to accept an adapter. This is how mine is anyway, it was certainly sold as being able to take a direct SLR connection...

As for the eq3-2 ali tripod, all I can say is Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I have seen some on here filling the legs with sand to stiffen it up, I contemplated filling it with concrete, but decided it will do for me until I get something else, then when I sell it, it is standard. I find it not too bad as long as I dont touch it, or breath on it, look at it, think about looking at it..! I will say though, its a good job I didn't get the 130 on an eq2, as it would have probably been the end of my interest in astronomy...

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My posted images were with a Black Diamond 150P and DSLR on a standard EQ3-2. I didn't do anything special with the tripod but didn't extend the legs at all, just kept it set right down low and made sure all the bolts were done up tight. No problem reaching focus with the camera either.

I tried an EQ5 tripod with it and it didn't make any difference to me, but others have said that I may have been lucky and got a good ali tripod to start with.

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Hi Rik, I'm glad to here you can get focus ok with the 150p:) when I tried with the old blue tube 200p that came with my HEQ5 I had to use a barlow to get enough back focus thus making the scope an unusable f/10. Its good to hear they have improved the focuser on the black diamond series, I've heard this once before but its good to double check if I'm thinking of getting one in the future. It would be nice to have a 150p/pds with my 66mm Apo piggy-backed for wide field imaging plus guiding, all on the HEQ5, I think that setup would be about right for the mount, and I reckon a 150p wouldn't be too expensive on Astrobuy continuing with the ethos of imaging on a budget:D I'll be off to revisit your images in a minute Rik:)

Hi Bugle, I've heard lots of people having probs with the EQ3 ali tripod, I'd copy Rik and Keep the Tripod low and tight:) oh and yes I didn't mean can you attach an SLR to the 150p I meant about achieving focus once attached because the CCD chip in cameras is set back roughly 40mm from the focuser so often you don't have enough back focus on Newts:)

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Just noticed this thread I am so slow.. Heres my unguided Orion Nebula,Horse Head Nebula and Rosette Nebula on the EQ5 mount with the 200p and a single axis motor. Using Canon 350D

Have not used the 200p since getting my Evostar ED 80 and the weather is pants at the moment so have not used the guiding set up. Any one going to have crack at the Markarian Chain of Galaxy's next clear patch?




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Any one going to have crack at the Markarian Chain of Galaxy's next clear patch?

If the weather cooperates, that's my target for SGL7 I think. However...if it's not too windy, I have new scope rings for my 250PX so might have a go at the ghost of Jupiter planetary???

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This is not brilliant, but here is a star field, shot with an 1100D and a kit lens at 55mm F5 mounted on a 4SE mount in equatorial mode. The only dedicated AP kit in use was a photo dovetail used to attach the camera to the mount. 24 lights of 2 minutes. Just posting this to show that even cheap mounts can give OK tracking at some focal lengths.



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I'm using the following equipment:

Orion XT10i on SkyWatcher EQ6 Pro

Canon 550D

Orion Mini Autoguider + PHD Guiding

Here my gallery:

Flickr: zodiacal_light's Photostream

Very nice pictures but the idea of this thread was to show what is possible with budget equipment. A 10" Newtonian on an NEQ6 with an autoguider is a long way above budget.

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Some fantastic results in the pic only showcase thread, Well done Quatermass for getting yours in there, they complement your budget guiding efforts.

Great threads, keep em coming guys!.....

Stan :)

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I think this thread (and the pic only showcase) is a fantastic idea and very inspirational to all of us who haven't won the lottery yet. :)

I'm hoping we get some clear skies soon so I can take a few budget pics to contribute. I'm in the process of modifying a cheap webcam and film cannister to see what results they can give me.

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With the cost of gear nowadays budget astrophotography is a must for most of us and its great to share what we can do on a tight budget also encourages others to give it a go this is how I started off. Mobile phone and rubber band, those rubber bands can be quite pricey though.


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