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How are due strap sizes measured? Is it by diameter or circumference?

I want a dew strap for my Hyperion which has a outside diameter of about 2.5", so I guess that would be a 3" strap?

Also anyone have any experience of the low wattage Kendrick firefly's. Would they be fine for this purpose?

Many thanks

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i keep the ep`s im not using in my pocket ...never had them dew up ...

in stay in wet damp humid cold :icon_salut:scotland

When you are out for several hours, the eyepiece will cool down. Particularly with zoom which tends to stay on the telescope though out the night.

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I'm in south wales also Helen and I agree, it's not really known for being that dry, and where I view from there are numerous trees and a couple of streams and ponds about, it can get pretty "humid" at night.

I'm looking for some good dew bands for my scopes, so any advice is gratefully received.

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I have a 10" Schmidt cass with a correcter plate , a home made dew shield and use a hyperion zoom for most observing , I have never had a problem with dew , I have had chats with a few people in the south who have heaters ,dew straps ect and extra power and cables to run them and dew controllers and all the other bits and pieces to go with them , best thing to do is just leave the scope to cool with lens cover on then use shieild when observing ,many times all the kit is to fix a problem that does not exist . If my scope does not suffer from dew in Scotland there is no reason whysomeone in the warmer milder dry climate you have in the south should suffer more than me ,

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Hi Hemihaggis

How I wish what you were saying was true down here. I have an 8" mak, with dew shield. I always put the cap in when cooling or if I pop inside for a break. Dew can be a major problem if it is humid and once the scope is fully cooled down. Believe me, if I didn't need dew straps I wouldn't buy them!

I was lazy the other night and didn't bother on my 4" apo. Sure enough, by the end of the night, the lens was completely covered in dew.

I also use a dew strap on my ep's. They often fog up and the strap stops this very effectively. I tend to use quite a few ep's during a session and when not in use they are on my tray. Not practical to keep all mine in my pockets!:):)



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I do find that the Hyperions being quite chunky once they fog are difficult to clear. Besides this I don't want a pocket full of Hyperions!

Also as stated I thought the dew strap would be handy for the guidescope when imaging.

Prevention is much better than ruining a clear night.

I've settled on the revelation controller and dew-not straps and a Kendrick rdf heater.

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