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Blind Spot

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I don't know if there is a technical term for this, as a result of my set up or if it's just me.

After positioning onto an object, when i look through the eye piece i get back areas, normally coming in from the side. It even happens when i am looking at the moon. When standing back from the scope you can see light coming out from the EP, but then if i put my eye up to the EP the view is limited.

I have to move my head around to improve what i can see instead of just my eye. I don't know if i am too close, too far, wrong angle. I am using Baader Hyperion (with rubber cup rolled up or down) Eps on a Explorer 200p

Hopefully i've explained myself enough for people to understand.

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The Baaders are prone to kidney-beaning in the 200P. You have to get the eye position just right, at 90 degrees above the ep. I too have had the experience of a beam of moolight coming out of the ep when moving away, amazing isn't it? Sounds like a moon filter will help you. With hindsight the Celestron Excel LX's are better, I have gone down the more expensive Axiom LX route, perfectly satisfied with the views, and no kidney-beaning!

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bin there done that with this eypiece,it's very frustrating but

good news is it's you not the eyepiece,you have to overcome the idea of if i get closer i will see more!! there should be an eyebrow rest ( for want of a better name!! ) on top that twist's out a few mm that should help till you get used to it, also if you require glasses then wear them i found that helped also, all of a sudden one night you will realise you dont notice it anymore :p

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It does sound like "kidney beaning" It was the first time i'd used the eyepieces, so it sounds like a case of getting used to them. I did notice being able to see my eye lashes, so it sounds like i'm pressing up against the eye piece.

IN a way it's good to know it's me and not the equipment.

Thank you people :p

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