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Seeing tonight. Advice please.....


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Hello, whats your opinion of seeing tonight please 20:00 to 22:00? Opinions please ?

I do not seem to get a pinpoint star focus tonight on Rigel, Sirius or Betelgeuse. However, either side of focus I get the concentric donuts so collimation seems OK. However, a miniscule fraction either side of focus I seem to be getting like two stars almost touching that merge together at precise focus. This was in my Pan and Nagler. However, as said, the star seems to be a tiny boiling blob as opposed to a pinpoint speck of light. Strange - simply bad seeing?. However, first time I observed with my glasses on tonight as opposed to contact lenses.

Earlier today I mistakenly removed the secondary on my CPC but i put it back again precisely as it was before 10 seconds later (see my thread CPC secondary warning). I did not touch the mirror or collimation screws. You reckon i upset something (even though I very much doubt I did)?

Rgds, Steve

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Seeing was about average from my location. A bit of bubbling on the airy disc. Stars were quite pinpoint in focus though.

It could be your collimation is out or spectacle lenses causing some reflected glare or distortion. I even get that with contact lenses sometimes.

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It's not too bad here tonight. You should see Rigel's 9th mag companion star quite easily if the scope is working OK.

I've been able to split Eta Orionis (1.7 arc seconds) and see E & F Trapezium with my ED120 refractor which is a sign that the seeing is not too bad.

Maybe the scope is not fully cooled yet - I've heard that the larger SCT's can take as much as 3 hours to fully cool on a cold night.

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Ah ok fair enough.

Well I got 15 minutes at the eyepiece before the clouds rolled in and dumped a load of rain on me, just about got the kit in before a soaking :)

Mars was showing some nice detail with the 4 inch @ 200x magnification.

Seeing was all over the place but got fleeting moment of clarity.

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Guys, thanks everyone for your help.

Turned out to be seeing and/or scope not fully cooled (despite living on the garage). This afternoon, to get to the bottom of it (since I was a bit worried by it) I set up a full three hours early to acclimatise the scope. Got some great focus tonight before cloud over.

Cheers, Steve

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