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Zenithstar 80

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Ok, so ive brought myself a scope, a little hastily but its the best i could get for the money i have.

Its a Zenithstar 80 (i dont think its the FD/ED model) it doesnt say its FD/ED either on the scope but has the newer version of the dual speed focuser, so im a little confused as to what it is....maybe someone can help me out?

This is the scope in question : eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

Also, it comes with a QD Mount, now i personally have no idea what this is, and dont know if its any use, maybe someone could shed some light on this for me?

Many thanks! :)


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It has a 1/4-20 threaded hole in the foot, which fits onto camera tripods and other mounts. The one in the image looks like it would fit the 8115 Horizon tripod, but you dont need to be limited by that.

Dual speed focusser allows you to make tiny focussing adjustments, useful for imaging and when observing at high power. It is the f6 version, I have the f6.9 version. Should do quite a good job, not a full apo, but otherwise should give some good views.


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Semi Apo is a marketing term that went out of favour a few years ago but I guess you could call it that. It is an f6.8 doublet with an FPL-51 ED element. Optically and mechanically it is good, robust and dependable. It will out-perform most of the similarly spec'd Chinese-made doublets sold under a number of brands. It is a good telescope, you will have fun :)



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You should be careful. This may be the WO Zenithstar Achromat, not an APO. If he described an achromat as an APO, then that's false advertising.



£250 for an achromat is over priced in these day, especially you can get a new Starwave 80ED for £50 more and price of a used ED80 is around £250 or less.

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Yes, it wasn't a bargain at £250 but it is a good telescope. I used to own the same model with FPL-51 glass, the one you are calling an achromat. It has the usual doublet blue bloat around bright starts but I liked it. Sometimes you have to look beyond the specification list to find a telescope's true worth :(

Come to think of it, I don't know why we don't offer the updated model :)

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So the model that i have just brought, does that have FPL glass in it?

We are going back a few years (pre-FLO) but I think all Zenithstar-80s had FPL-51 other than a 'posh' version which I think had FPL-53. And there was also an apo-upgrade kit which was essentially the FPL-53 optic (you removed the original optic and fitted the posh one).

If I am wrong someone will soon correct me :)


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I have seen similar problems like this on trying to clarify on the type of william optics they are. I am pretty sure, unless it says ED around the lens or on focuser this is the earlier non ED version ie achro. Sold under many brands including revelation, antares etc.

Antares Antares Sentinel 80mm f6 semi-APO refractor - main tube only

The zenithstar 11, it's replacment was an ED and said so on the lens element.

Hope that helps but william optics change their models on almost a seasonal basis!


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LOL yeah im starting to learn that, the only thing i can do is

a) wait for it to get here and read the manual that it came with, im sure in the spec it will give this information

:mad: im happy with it, the fact its a nice scope, well looked after and has a case is a good selling point for me and it comes with a few accessories :(

It would just be nice to clarify it, and wish he would have listed it as an achro :p Ahh well

Thanks for all the replies guys :) Really appreciated

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..... and wish he would have listed it as an achro :( Ahh well.....

That is a valid point. All the reading that I have done point to it being a very nice achromat. I also wonder if the focuser has been replaced at some point - the original had a single speed crayford with gold anodised focus wheels wheras the scope you have bought seems to have a dual speed focuser with silver wheels.

With the interchangeability of William Optics objective lenses (ie: the upgrade that Steve mentioned) and focusers it's quite possible to have a hybrid scope I guess :)

None of this makes it anything other than a nice scope though - I'm looking forward to your reports on how it performs when you have had a chance to use it :p

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