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Philips 880/900 Webcam Availability


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Well, I've read all about these elusive items and tried several places but they're like the proverbial rocking horse .... I dont like using ebay much but bid on 3 of these recently. I went for £35 max and lost out to an average of £90 - £100 final price each time. I dont mind paying a bit more but 2000% on retail - no way.

I have also read many times of folk buying 3, 4 or 5 of them for a fiver each when they were available. Why? One not enough? Anyone with a horde willing to sell one reasonably or do they all go on ebay for a hundred quid?

I'm not bitter really :-) on a different route, can anyone tell me of any other webcams that use the same ccd as the philips so I can try for one of those?

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No, it wasn't. You need one for planetary, one to do an LX mod on for guide camera use, one as a polarscope camera, one as a spare...

Fair comment, and there I was thinking folk were buying them for the sake of it.

I've got one ordered from telescope house now. Thanks for the heads up.

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That's a reasonable price - the complete kit was about 40 UKP from Morgans if I remember right. I have one for planetary, one for polarscope, one for finder scope, one LX modded and one for an actual webcam - they are so sensitive. Mind you I've just bought and butchered an MS LifeCam Studio for planetary use but not tested it yet. That will, hopefully, be my planetary camera. (Just over £40 from Amazon - but watch out for a run on those now! :))

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I have four as well. One for the LX mod, one for planetary imaging, one for a guidecam and one spare. It did seem to make sense of the opportunity to acquire as many as I was likely to want when they were only £5 each.

Wouldn't surprise me if there are people sitting on dozens waiting to dribble them out on ebay, though.


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£196 smacks of desperate times. Call it the Brian Cox effect again. After the TV programme last year and this, lots of kit became rarer than a trophy in Arsenal's trophy room (Evertonian speaking - even rarer for us...).

I'm sure availability of a lot of stuff, including SPC900s will get better, if not cheaper, but it could be a couple of months or so.

Keep your eye on UK Astro Buy and Sell. I've seen a few on there recently, both regular cameras and those modded for long exposure work. I doubt we'll see £196 for one of these again. Whoever paid that kind of money wasn't far short of a brand new DMK/similar!

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