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Reducing aperture

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It can be useful but its worth remembering that when you stop down a scope you are reducing its effective aperture and resolution is reduced as well. So your 8" F/6 dob becomes something like a 2.4" F/20.

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You can certainly dim objects down by using the smaller aperture but you will lose a lot of potential resolution as this is a direct function of aperture. Might be better to use filters for this purpose. Stopping down a large aperture (16"+) to a smaller but still large enough apertue can have benefits if the seeing is unsteady.

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I'm going to see what the effect is. I understand that it will be a straight through scope when used with an eccentric hole because the secondary mirror doesn't interfere. Looks like the scope will be stopped down to F infinity for the next week looking at the forecast.

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I sometimes use aperture stops if the seeing dictates it when using my Dobs.

Not really convinced that stepping the 10" down is of any benefit, as although it can help when the seeing is bad the loss of resolution seems to make detail so much harder to see that I'm better off selecting other targets for the scope.

The 16" is different as the stepped down scope is still of sufficient size to resolve a great deal of detail.

If the seeing is good there is nothing to be gained from stepping down either scope.

Regards Steve

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