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What TV (or other) should I get next?


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Got 17mm Nag and 35mm Pan. Love them both in my 11 SCT - particularly the 35mm Pan. Was thinking of a 9mm Nag sicen this will be a great EP on its own and give me 4.5mm on good nights with my power mate. I like planetary very much. Also glob clusters and doubles.

What do you reckon guys? Not a TV junkie by any means but happy to pay the premium for TV quality. But I see Pentax 10mm gets a good review as well. I don't wear glasses.

Been sticking to TV since although SCT is slow I want a refractor soon as well. So anything I buy must excel in a refractor as well as my SCT.

Appreciate your expert thoughts please? I will fill the void between 17 and 35 as well as some point (and maybe something wider than the 35mm as well) but want to get an higher power (although the 17mm is great in the power mate).


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I used to own a set of the Nagler T6's and liked them very much. I borrowed a Pentax 10mm XW and was very impressed with that. At the time it was the only eyepiece that I'd tried that could deliver very slight improvements over the T6 Nagler (the 9mm in this case). The difference was very subtle but I felt the Pentax had just slightly better light transmission than the Nagler. Both really excellent eyepieces - pity about the TV price rises though :icon_salut:

All Tele Vue eyepieces are designed and tested to work well down for F/4 so pretty future proof but I can't imagine the Pentax XW having any problems in that department either.

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Have got the 9 Nag and did use it in my C11 (a lot) it was Very Very good. However I succumbed to Ethos madness and have now got (among others) the 10 and 8. I will be keeping the Nag as I have a set of (comparatively) light 1.25 inch eyepieces to be used for my travel scope when we go abroad.

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In the Televue department: 22T4, and 12T4 (my 12T4 should arrive today).

Instead of the Nagler 9, consider the Pentax XF 8.5. smaller FOV, but much better eye relief and unbelievably sharp. At 159 euros it is outstanding value for money. For my thoughts on this EP have a look here:


On my C8 I don't go shorter than about 7mm focal length, and just once went to 5 (Radian 10mm with 2X TeleXtender). For the C11 4.5mm would be pointless.

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