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Guiding conversion project for 200p and EQ5


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14 x 2 minute subs, ISO 400. I would have taken more subs but the mist was gathering and the dew was bad. I had to use my 12v hair drier on the secondary mirror and the objective lens of my guidescope. Not long after that my laptop died (it runs from the same 12v battery).

I could process the ring nebula to make it less over blown but I was trying to make the galaxies show up, they are more visible in my hi res versions compared to the low res ones I uploaded.


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You can move the scope with the software from shoestring but it just moves your axis ra and dec nothing special. Glad to see others finding the mod we all worked on helpful it is a budget solution though and fun to do. Have not used it much after my last motor drive kit burned out in the rain stupid me leaving scope uncovered. But it works even if it is a bit tricky sometimes.

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk 2

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Mark, I've just been watching your picture of the Helix nebula. Astonishing! An it's not even guided! You put us all to shame!

Forgive me if I'm a bit cheeky but we all could learn enormously with a thread where you explain step by step your digital imaging processing. I now you have many youtube videos on it but I was thinking about something similar to what you did with your Horsehead and Flame nebula where you took a particular DSO and explained with all detail what you did.

Edited by pixueto
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Hi Pix

The Helix Nebula was a challenge and a half. Guided subs and longer subs would be the norm for this kind of target. So my method is to wait for the perfect night very dark clear and no light polution. Using backyard eos to insure focus is accurate and framing is spot on I begin. Started with 5 unguided subs at 60 sec to see what the image is like and change ISO to 1600 and increase time if needed to get better gen shot. Once I am happy with the subs I then set byeos to take 70 subs keeping an eye on the approaching dew point. Then let it all get on with it.

Thats the general method for data collection. Processing is in several parts. levels and curves. Star selection and reduction. Colour correction and enhancing. High pass filter using hide all layers. Noise reduction and final tweaks including luminance boost and final levels adjustment.

I will do a vid for you on the Helix processing so you can follow what I do hope that will be helpful to you mate. :D

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk 2

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I doooo not belive it!!! another blasted dual axis control pad burned out on me this evening! arrrrggghhhh thats the second one this year wretched piece of junk that they are grrr. So miffed off. packed everything away will look at it tomorrow morning utterly depressing.

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk 2

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PHEEWEEE what a relief! :biggrin: Took the handset apart today and nothing was working the led was just red and green and it would not work at all. I sat there cursing my luck on these wretched handsets for a bit :cussing: then decided it was time to try something out.

Went up stairs and got my old one that did not work and pulled out the set of resistors under the button panel they come out in one big group. I then removed the resistor panel on my faulty handset and replaced it with this one from my old handset, fingers crossed please god make it work...I know absolutely nothing about electrics this was a pure give a go and see if it works attempt. :Envy:

Wahooooo! :headbang: the green light lit up and its all working great again. :grin: :grin: :grin:

I guess some water got in there and blew one of the resistors out, but very very glad that its working again as skywatcher do not sell the handsets on there own and you have to pay out for the whole thing which is 100 quid.

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I am going to make a water proof box for mine if you get damp or dew creeping in to the buttons you can expect it to burn out on as its done it twice to me now. I have two spare motors and a spare unworking hand controller at present. Was thinking that if I can get the resistor panel replaced it might make that one work as well but like I said I am not electrician just very lucky. Any way were back in business now just need a clear night and to get rid of all this cloud and rain. Cheers everyone :grin:

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Pete put an old camping mat around the end of your scope it makes a great dew shield and will stop your secondary mirror fogging up.

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk 2

Sorry Mark I only just spotted your tip. Thanks, I'll see if I can find one of those in my local shops. Yet more weight though, maybe I'll try making a short extension for my balance weight bar.


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