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what is it!!!!


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hello every1,

i was looking in the south west at around 1745 ish looking for venus, i thought i had found her but it seemed really small. then the clouds came over my naked eye view however the planet i could see in the eyepiece was still there, so im pretty sure what i had found in the scope was not venus. my question is, what was it?! i am a real amateur (in case you hadnt guessed lol) i think neptune was in that general direction but not sure if its possible to see it thru my amateur telescope (celestron powerseeker 127EQ)/

Please help, many thanks....:)

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It probably was Venus - it's not very large at the moment - much smaller than Jupiter for example. You can see Neptune but it is pretty faint and would appear as a tiny blue disk (pin head size) even at 200x. You would not see Neptune at all through any cloud cover and not with the naked eye.

How much magnification were you using ?

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Thats 225x which is rather a lot of power for the usual seeing conditions in the UK. Venus would show lots of flaring but through it you should see it as a small disk showing a phase. No surface detail though.

As Duns says, download Stellarium and have a play with that - it will show you what was visible at that time and place in the sky.

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yeah todd i thought that, i think it must have been neptune as it was a tiny disk and venus was covered in cloud at the time ( my image thru the scope was not). Im sure it did have a faint tinge of blue as well and was not flaring as someone said venus does. Cool beans!!!! Lol bet i could never find it if i were actually looking for it lol

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yeah todd i thought that, i think it must have been neptune as it was a tiny disk and venus was covered in cloud at the time ( my image thru the scope was not). Im sure it did have a faint tinge of blue as well and was not flaring as someone said venus does. Cool beans!!!! Lol bet i could never find it if i were actually looking for it lol

the first time i ever saw Venus was about 3 years ago with a scope ,i was co laminating the scope and there it was i kepy thinking it was jupiter till i took a lookwith the 300p amd a 6mm ep there it was ,it looks like a 3/4 moon

no the snow ball pln neb is like that i was looking for a smudge when really its just a bluesy green disk a bit bigger than the stars around it

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