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Interest turned Hobby


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Hi folks

I have enjoyed looking up at the stars for many years but not knowing anything other than thier beauty.

Living on a narrowboat gives me the ideal opportunity to explore my interest and maybe turn it into a fully fledged hobby.

At the end of last year I bought a decent pair of binos and a celestron first scope and was hooked.

Have just bought a skywatcher 127 mak tube assembly to mount on my existing camera tripod as space aboard is at a premium.

I have loads of questions but I assume most of them have been answered already somewhere in the forum so I intend to enjoy reading through the posts.

If I come unstuck I'm confident all your combined Knowledge will sort me out.

Nice to be here and thanks for such a great resource.


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I would say that I agree there is a lot of it - nearly all of it is fairly straight forward and you will be surprised how quickly you pick it up. Your first proper glance at the night sky will make you feel like you are just looking at a complete mass of stars (for the benefit of the discussion I am excluding light pollution! :)) but once you can pick out some of the constellations, then it will always seem to be a very ordered place where everything is clearly defined.

To help you with this, why not download Stellarium which is a free piece of planetary software that will help you get started. Lots of features on it that will keep you occupied for when those clouds come in. I will give you link in just a moment.

Clear skies


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