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Aperture fever strikes!

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I've been the proud and very satisfied owner of a Celestron C6 SCT with CG-5 GOTO mount for about four years now. Never regretted that purchase - a great setup, great views and really good for taking along to various public events I do as part of Cotswold AS. Quick to set up, and really quick to do a tour around the "wow" objects etc.

However, as I've done more observing and developed my own interests, I've realised that a) I don't use GOTO when doing "proper" observing - I much prefer star hopping, and :) I want more aperture!

So, I'm close to hitting "checkout" at FLO on a Skywatcher 250PX solid tube Dob. (With no intention of parting with my trusty Celestron setup, much to my bank account's disappointment!) I think this will give me what I'm after - more light, no fuss, and I've already got some decent EPs (Televue Panoptic 24mm, Televue 2x Barlow and a 7mm ortho) so hoping the f/4.7 won't be an issue.

Thoughts? Would others with the same needs be considering the same? Really interested to get some views!

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Yeah, thanks all - no doubt I will be asking a few dumb questions about collimation on here soon, having never owned a Newt before.

Rik - would be great to get some tips from your good self next weekend maybe?!

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Seeing as you are keeping the other scope. I would go with a 12" personally.

Regards Steve

The 10" will be like night & day, but a 12" even more so. Only proviso, do you have the space and would a 12 fit your car? The solid 12s are big but a flex-tube would be well worth a look.

EDIT: Didn't read the whole thread! Good luck with the new toy, you won't regret it! Aperture is king!!

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The 10" will be like night & day, but a 12" even more so. Only proviso, do you have the space and would a 12 fit your car? The solid 12s are big but a flex-tube would be well worth a look.

EDIT: Didn't read the whole thread! Good luck with the new toy, you won't regret it! Aperture is king!!

Yes, cost and size constraints came into the decision - just as well cos otherwise I'd have been eyeing up a 20" or something insane like that :)

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No problem.

I am aiming to get to Shurdington for about 5pm. If you haven't ordered one, get a Cheshire eyepiece because at f/4.7 it does make a difference to the sharpness of the view. I'll have mine in the box anyway.

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