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Re: questar for £400?What do you think?


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grab&go - Today, 01:30 PM

Hi everyone, I posted this thread before christmas and the seller of the Questar has now given me a second chance to buy through Ebay. The problem is that the scope which is in a foam lined alluminium case has travelled all the way to Italy and back via courier. I don`t know what condition the scope is in now, but the seller will deliver it to me in person (half way), and has agreed to refund if there is a problem with it after testing . This "second chance" offer came from ebay direct. It seems that the original buyer could not be located in Italy so it was returned to the U/K.

I wont be able to test the scope on the road, I dont think, so I`ll have to trust to luck if I`m to proceed. What do you all think?

Is it a collimatable scope? or would it have to go to Questar for sevice?


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I would think that being as you have a chance to meet the seller and presumably have a look through the Questar before parting with your cash, it should be an opportunity not to be missed. If any minor problems exist I might be able to help you sort them out, I'm a retired Maksutov specialist. :)

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sounds dodgy , the seller was willing to post it 2000miles to italy , but wants to meet you half way , also in think if you were going to ship a £400 item to a foriegn country , you would make sure the address was bombproof , ie address to the last letter, phone number (possibly a phone call ) , email adress , ect ect ect , also check feedback on ebay , plus you would have wanted payment up front before you sent the item , so the buyer would have double and triple checked that all his his particulars were spot on , so they would be 100 % sure they would recive the item ..

this sounds like a scam of some sorts .....there have been a lot of second chance scams on ebay .

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I'd certainly want to speak with them before setting off and ask a few questions. I'd also take a mate too just in case - he knows you have cash in your pocket if you know what I mean.....

Is the seller a member on here? If he is and you can make contact then maybe this will provide comfort?

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I have spoke to the seller by phone. She did check the address of the Italian and it seems it was the fault of the italian delivery service their end.

I think i will ask them to bring it to my address rather than meet halfway. She did say her husband was probably o/k with that. It seems that they bought it years ago from a freind who worked at Kinectick in South Wales which is where they live. I`m in Shrops so it`s a fair treck up to me. They seem genuine enough but I relly need to test it first before handing over the money. They are willing to let me buy through Ebay`s second chance offer and Ebay say that I am covered by the Ebay safe buying policies. I will ring them tonight to see what they are willing to do about delivery. Would I be able to check this scope in daylight suficiently to say all is optically good do you think? PS they say that Questar has told them they are the second owners since 1975 when it was made. Don`t see how Questar can tell howmany owners there have been tho`.


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I would think that being as you have a chance to meet the seller and presumably have a look through the Questar before parting with your cash, it should be an opportunity not to be missed. If any minor problems exist I might be able to help you sort them out, I'm a retired Maksutov specialist. :)

Thanks Peter, I hope I won`t need your expertise,

But its nice to know your there just incase. Many thanks, Bob

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£400 sounds way TOO dodgy..... there is one at £3,599.00 Item number: 110804081641 :)

This is just the OTA plus one 24mm ep and a pentax camera adapter plus ally case and instructions. So perhaps it isn`t such a huge bargain as first thought?


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I'd certainly want to speak with them before setting off and ask a few questions. I'd also take a mate too just in case - he knows you have cash in your pocket if you know what I mean.....

Is the seller a member on here? If he is and you can make contact then maybe this will provide comfort?

I dont think they are members of any site, they seem not to know much about the technical part of the scope at all.


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Just been in contact with the seller and they are bringing the scope to me on Sunday. Anybody know how to test this scope in daytime, what to look for, as I cant count on the weather and the seller may not be able to stay till dark? also, does anyone know what should I check for mechanically on this scope.

many thanks, Bob.

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There is very little to check on the Questar field model, the only external moving parts are the flip mirror finder and the focus knob. The focus operating screw is very finely threaded indeed and it takes a long time to wind it fully either way, unless it has the quick focus arrangement which I think was optional for this model. I would look down the front aperture to see if the optics appeared to be in good cosmetic condition or if there are any signs of past tampering. You won't need to worry about quality if it's a genuine questar. The eyepiece/s will probably be Brandons, good eyepieces but not standard fit. Questars are not user collimatable, the optical alignment is taken care of by precise machining. Good luck.:)

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The questar arrived today and all seems perfect! Can`t believe how small this scope is !!

Now I need a decent tripod, as it`s the field model. I couldn`t resist trying it out tonight. So armed with my 30yr old rickety camera tripod I had a peek at Jupiter. The 24mm Branden ep that came with the scope showed one of Jupiters moons just popping out from the back of the planet right close to the edge of the disc. I watched as it gradualy extended into view, also several bands were visible, briliant!! The only problem is that it was really frustrating having to nudge the scope in order to keep things in view. At high mag with the built in barlow and the old tripod shaking like a loon,this was a bit of a trial but at least I know the optics are good and everything works as it should. all I need now to complete my grab and go is a really good tripod, Slow motion control would be nice. any sugestions as to make / model. Questar recomend Bogen.


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Can't answer your tripod and head question, but I was surfing the web and came upon this highly regarded seller on cloudy nights.

His name is Sheldon Faworski and is probably best known these days as a bit of a Carton scope guru. I got my lens cell and tube from him. Anyway, whilst having a look athrough his 'for sale' stuff, I came across these eyepieces with machined barrels for the questar.....

Cloudy Nights Classifieds (CNC) - Eyepieces for Questar - Powered by PhotoPost Classifieds

I have the normal barrelled versions of the 7mm ortho and 16.8mm. Exceptional eyepieces. I used to have the Carton 8mm plossl, again in the std format and it was also a very, very nice eyepiece. Will probably get another in the future.

Thought it may be of interest.



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